Bill Whittle: disarming the warriors

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4 Responses to Bill Whittle: disarming the warriors

  1. All too true. The United States has lost it’s mind with the progressive crap it finds so fascinating these days. When Reagan took office, the American military was a mess. It is far worse than that under Obama. The next President will find a military that is only a shadow of what it was under Bush and incapable of protecting U.S. interests abroad.

  2. KG says:

    I’m amazed that anybody would still sign up to a military run by lawyers and “progressives”, William.

  3. Darin says:

    It’s a national disgrace :evil: The VA hospital system is a circus act.My father has needed a knee replacement for years now and he can’t get it.

    But there seems to be plenty of money to give sex change surgery to pervs like Bradley Chelsea Manning that little traitor bitch :evil: