‘The rise of the new authoritarians’

‘Neil Ormerod, Professor of Theology at the Australian Catholic University, demands an end to free speech:
“Free speech for racist bigots, free speech for climate denialists. Where will it end?… There is a value in free speech to promote reasoned discussion and deliberation. And then there is obdurate and at times wilful ignorance …”..’
Of course, by “reasoned discussion and deliberation” he means discussion on terms set by people like him. Speech by permission is NOT “free speech”.

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8 Responses to ‘The rise of the new authoritarians’

  1. McNootzak says:

    Where does it end? It ends guys from the government putting gags on nutty liberal professors while forcing them to kneel in a ditch just prior to putting a 30 cal in their heads. That’s where it ends. Keep pushing for totalitarianism. Sooner or later the gift comes back to you.

  2. Kathleen says:

    ” Speech by permission is NOT “free speech”.” Amen, it is not free speech.

    I take it this person is a liberal.

  3. KG says:

    ‘Texas AG Abbott to BLM: ´Come and Take It´
    After Breitbart Texas reported on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) intent to seize 90,000 acres belonging to Texas landholders along the Texas/Oklahoma line, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott questioned the BLM’s authority to take such action. 
    “I am about ready,” General Abbott told Breitbart Texas, “to go to the Red River and raise a ‘Come and Take It’ flag to tell the feds to stay out of Texas.”

  4. The good Professor is not opposed to free speech, he is opposed to dissent. Feel free to laud his morality and to extol his political views. He won’t say one word. But dissent, and he wants to have you jailed. The left has never accepted dissent from it’s doctrine and it has always wanted to incarcerate or brand those that disagree with them as psychotic. The Soviet Union housed their dissenters in both the Gulag and the mental hospital. Nice to see that things haven’t changed with the progression of time.

    • KG says:

      We’ve already seen the suggestion that “climate deniers” are mentally ill and should be treated as such. If the left is so fond of their totalitarian heroes’ policies, how come they don’t suggest we do a Pol Pot and eliminate academics?
      Oh, I forgot–across the West, academics are cheerleaders for totalitarianism….