‘NO people-smuggling venture had succeeded in landing asylum seekers on Australia for more than four months, the government says.
…Mr Morrison said no one had reached Australia since December 19 and that continued this month. But 3351 on 47 boats arrived in April 2013 under the former Labor government…’ source
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But Abbott doesn’t have a hard line on boats.
How many did the RAN sink?
How many did Abbott send back?
And, of course, Kiwis still get direct access to Oz – and lots more than 3500 Kiwis will have jumped to Oz this April.
Grow up, Andrew–you’re coming across as unhinged.
Kiwis who move to Oz have a higher employment rate than Australians, unlike “refugees” from islamic shit-holes, many of whom are still collecting welfare ten years after arriving.
Imagine that,turning the boats around stops them coming. Whodda thunk it?
Excellent news
Now if America secured its southern border with Mexico and deported the 12 million illegals living in our country and Britain kicked out the Muslims we’d have us a TRIFECTA
I saw a labor minister or lackey or whatever on Andrew Bolts show telling us with a straight face that this is all thanks to the magnificent, greatest prime minister in the history of the universe kevin rudd. It’s a wonder how little shame and embarrassment these people can possibly feel. Their skin must be made of the toughest titanium armor plating.
Just on this policy success alone, Abbott deserves another term. He’s done what so many bastards in this country worked against and prayed from dawn to dusk that he would fail.
I just hope that the many who railed against this monumental fuck up of the left will remember this come election time and reward it accordingly.
“It’s a wonder how little shame and embarrassment these people can possibly feel.”
Leftists don’t know shame, Mathew. If they did, they wouldn’t be leftists.