To Aussie republicans, to immigrants who refuse to assimilate, sneering academics, anti-Australian elitist snobs. to imams preaching hatred against the country which shelters, feeds and tolerates them, “arts” leeches who align with the left and bite the hands that feed them. To snivelling PC cowards afraid to stand for anything.
Wabbit is no fan of the Brit royals, to put it mildly, but the overwhelming success of the visit by William, Kate and their baby to New Zealand and Australia is due in no small part, I think, to a growing popular revulsion against those who would dismantle what our countries were built on and what they stand for.
It was a case of a symbol arriving at just the right time. Bolt has more
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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A line of kings and queens going back over 1,000 years is tough for a republic to beat
Even after over a year of revolutionary war many in the American colonies hoped that George III would accept the “Albany Plan” that would have put a Governor-General appointed by the king in power and American representatives in Parliament. The Union Jack would have remained in the flag with red and white stripes for the 13 colonies.
Thank God it did not happen that way-
and I thank George Washington for not accepting the request by many –who still believed in “royalty” –to be “crowned King of the new Republic”-
Not King But King Jesus-the message sent w/ the Declaration and the motto of the 1776 Revolution…
Saying that – we in the US have some in govt who do believe they are above the US citizen and are rather “royal”–
No King But King Jesus-
sometimes my fingers do more “walking” than they should
The Empire’s great Dominions of Canada, Australia and New Zealand are free…perhaps more free today than most other nations.
Their peoples never had to fight wars of independence to achieve that status.
The slave trade was abolished in the Empire in 1808, and the institution of slavery outlawed throughout the Empire in 1835.
Neither required civil war and a butcher’s bill of over half-a-million dead.
Sadly, it took George III’s idiot ministers and Washington’s Boston profiteers to set the Empire’s 1770 mercantilist principles at a discount and create the change needed to bring in more enlightened political processes which pretty much saw the Empire through until 1914.
Suffice to say that American Republicanism tends to view itself…and its self-defined achievements…from a quite different perspective.
thank you for your take on US HIStory–
as to the US “civil war” – my take-
it need not have happened-
and I -too- believe there were big $$/power grabs- behind it …
“The Empire’s great Dominions of Canada, Australia and New Zealand are free…perhaps more free today than most other nations.
Their peoples never had to fight wars of independence to achieve that status.”
Mainly because they got their asses handed to them twice in 1787 and 1812 when their oldest and most prosperous colony broke away.
Don’t even get me started on the issue of slavery.
Darin-love it–“they got their asses handed to them twice in 1787 and 1812…”
We in the US do not need “kings” – “queens”-“princesses”-“princes”-glad we got rid of the concept of earth-born ‘royalty’–
It helps having a marketable product rather than a right royal charlie.
There is a wonderful image of Kate at the helm of one of the Americas Cup yachts in a race against her hubbie where she was giving it her all. Pretty hot!
very hot.
I would.
Now known as “Her royal MILFiness”
So, who in NZ or Aust. would you appoint to this “high” position? Thought so. Nobody. That’s who.
Mara, I have this ongoing dread that Helen Clark has plans to return and become President for Life of The People’s Democratic Republic of Ayoteahroah.
John I share your fear. I think that Klarke will descend upon us soon.
I don’t particularly care much for the royals either, never having grown up in that culture, but like most Australians i don’t want to fix something that isn’t broken just to satisfy the urges of a small minority of noisy assholes.
Now that i think about it, that’s exactly why i’m quite happy with things the way they are, keeping certain assholes angry and upset means it’s going good for the rest of us.