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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
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- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Time to Sack some Judges
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Gaaah! Looks like winter’s here.
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Front passed through awhile ago,April 30th and it’s going to be 50f in the AM.Parts of Florida got 20 inches of rain lastnight,boy did they get washed.
Well, at least our weather is pretty stable, compared to that!
Sheesh, I could do with about 24 degrees Celsius!
I’m in Wellington and freezing my cojones off – it must be about 8 degrees outside. Got the heater going full blast.
Thanks for that, Thor. I’m headed there next week so I’ll be sure to pack the thermals!
We’re going to Belyando Crossing tomorrow and staying overnight–and throwing a fan heater into the Hilux. I hate cold bathrooms.
Very O/T, but take a look at the new bookmark over on the blogroll>>>

“For feminazis”
Further o/t: Duck Shooting tomorrow worth braving the cold provided the cognac is close by!
Dear God! This, surely, is the bottom:
The principal at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents.
The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”
The students should have marched out of school that day in protest and their parents run the traitor POS principal out of town.
Agreed, Ronbo.
What’s desperately needed is more people like Francis Porretto.