From this week’s serving of meaty goodness, a fine Remus essay:
The unforgettable Forgotten Man
‘..The Forgotten Man sees his representatives enact legislation they’ve neither written nor read, it’s consequences sprung on him in surprise attacks. He sees entitlement to his earnings awarded to others, often whose circumstances are the same or better than his own. Educators pass off perversion as education and education as optional, and tell his kids they’d have no place in a decent society. His compliance with one punitive regulation puts him in violation of another. DC loots his retirement and confiscates his income. The court, Roland Freisler-like, discounts his Constitutional guarantees as misbegotten and malleable. In short, he sees a regime that’s cranked the wheel hard toward despotism, perhaps beyond orderly recovery.
Now the game is again afoot….’
And lots more..
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
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- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Also from TWR:
‘Cheap’n cheery method to defeat thermal imaging
This article documents a test of a field-expedient setup to defeat thermal imaging using a poncho and a mylar survival blanket, tested with FLIR equipment mounted in an Apache helicopter flying at 2,000 feet. The test was an unqualified success.
O/T (well, tangential at best), but there’s an interesting post up at Trevor Loudon’s at the moment which suggests Merkel and Obama may be nothing more than Stalin’s sonnenkinder.
It’s certainly plausible, and looking at world affairs and the pronouncements – deliberate and accidental – it’s hard to argue the premise.
Goodbye everyone:
A decision from the U.S. Supreme Court means the federal government now has an open door to “detain as a threat to national security anyone viewed as a troublemaker.” One provision authorizes the military, under presidential authority, to arrest, kidnap, detain without trial and hold indefinitely American citizens thought to “represent an enduring security threat to the United States.” Critics say, “once again, the U.S. Supreme Court has shown itself to be an advocate for the government, no matter how illegal its action, rather than a champion of the Constitution,” reports Bob Unruh in this article, Supreme Court green lights detention of Americans, at WND. “
“HILLARY Rodham Clinton says the nation’s gun culture has become “way out of balance”. ”
It is–in a well-balanced situation it would long ago have gotten rid of traitorous, corrupt cows such as her.
In its current form I could argue that the US is the great Satan. Their spying impacts on everyone. I can’t even pay a small account from Hong Kong via Travelex without ID and the transaction being viewed via the US. The sooner the whole rotten mess falls over the better.
The requirement to produce I.D. for money transactions didn’t originate with the U.S. I seem to remember the NZ government introducing all sorts of “financial reporting” requirements while I was there.
Or are you suggesting Uncle Sam held a gun to their heads?
I’d point out too that Germany, France and Britain spy on a huge scale, it’s just less publicised.
“The sooner the whole mess falls over the better”? Then I assume your country (New Zealand) will pick up the bill for policing the world’s sea lanes, for example, as well as delivering millions of tons of food and disaster aid all over the globe?
Thought not…
Yup,when the Snowden and wiki leaks docs first appeared all the European countries where shocked,just shocked that the US would be spying on everyday European citizens.
Then about two weeks later it was revealed that not only did those governments know about it,they were also enthusiastic participants in it.
In my humble opinion, Ol’ Remus has knocked the ball out of the park on this one.
Most patriots in this country are betting on the November elections and an expected Republican victory that leads to the control Congress. The hope is that the constitutional crisis can be solved in the courts and the guilty punished – starting with Obama’s role in the Benghazi Massacre of 9/11/12.
In other words, a peaceful resolution.
But I’m not so sure…To date Obama’s response to any type of resistance is to “double down” on his lawlessness…
So I can’t imagine Obama going quietly into the night even if Impeached and facing trial for numerous felonies…Ditto Hillary Clinton…ditto Eric Von Holder.
No ruling class in the history of nations has went away without considerable resistance.
It will never happen.
They are all neck deep in corruption. One couldn’t expose the other without in turn being exposed themselves. The political battleground is merely theater for the hopeful.
The Forgotten Man of the left is portrayed as Henry Fonda’s character in Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. The downtrodden and beaten man who is only looking for a chance and never seems to get it. A myth, in short. Ol’ Remus does the Forgotten Man justice when he describes him at the conclusion of his essay. The Forgotten Man is us who have been ill served by an over zealous government bent on treating us as it’s children in a bizarre and perverse form of Parens Patriae. Where once we were the masters, now we are considered ignorant children who must be supervised. The unmitigated arrogance of such a perspective boggles the mind. Truly, the insane are running the asylum.
And they’re the best kind of parents too.
The kind that make sure they have a nice car, and booze and smokes and all they can eat, even while junior has ribs showing, and when the money runs out they tell junior there’s not going to be a Christmas this year, and no birthday party either. Let’s not forget the credit card they take out in junior’s name either.
Rope’n Change. It’s all I’m interested in these days.