Simply brilliant

Mark Steyn:  Nigel vs the Lunatic Mainstream
‘…The British media spent 20 years laughing at UKIP. But they’re not laughing now — not when one in four electors takes them seriously enough to vote for them. So, having dismissed him as a joke, Fleet Street now warns that Farage uses his famous sense of humor as a sly cover for his dark totalitarian agenda — the same well-trod path to power used by other famous quipsters and gag-merchants such as Adolf Hitler, whose Nuremberg open-mike nights were legendary. “Nigel Farage is easy to laugh at . . . that means he’s dangerous,” declared the Independent. The Mirror warned of an “unfulfilled capacity for evil.” “Stop laughing,” ordered Jemma Wayne in the British edition of the Huffington Post. “Farage would lead us back to the dark ages.” The more the “mainstream” shriek about how mad, bad, and dangerous UKIP is, the more they sound like the ones who’ve come unhinged…’

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9 Responses to Simply brilliant

  1. thor42 says:

    Great stuff!

    Really good to see UKIP giving Britain the damned good shakeup that it needs!

    I very much hope that Liberty GB (Paul Weston’s party) do well too. An alliance between UKIP and Liberty GB could be *very powerful*.

    • KG says:

      Sure would. Maybe their time has come, Thor.
      We can hope, because the shake-up might spread to other countries.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Looks like UKIP is smiling pretty wide just now.

  3. Redbaiter says:

    “Australia now has 374 mosques and in each immediate area housing values have plummeted to as low as half their former value. ”

    • KG says:

      Maybe so, but it’s racist to say it! Why homeowners in areas where mosques are proposed don’t get together in a class action and take on the councils on this basis alone is a mystery to me.
      Maybe they have. If so, I’m not aware of any.
      “… in each immediate area housing values have plummeted to as low as half their former value”.
      Which suits the muzzies just fine–way to go if one wants to build an exclave, eh?

  4. Redbaiter says:

    Well they have had plenty of practice in the UK haven’t they.

    • KG says:

      They sure have. And in France, Sweden and Denmark too. If they stake out a site here, they’ll get a few dead pigs left on it. :evil:

  5. Mathew says:

    Good. This is what happens when year after year, you take money from decent, law abiding people, squander it, screw them over and just piss on them when they ask a few questions.