“The letter of the law”..unless it doesn’t suit them.

Rule by judges:
Federal Judge Rejects State Election Law, Puts John Conyers Back on Primary Ballot
This election year, Democrat and longtime Congressman John Conyers did not satisfy Michigan election law by getting enough valid signatures on his nomination petitions, so the state ruled he did not qualify for the ballot. Now a federal judge has vacated the state’s decision and put Conyers back on the ballot.
….U.S. District Judge Matthew Leitman, an Obama nominee who has only been on the bench for two months, is now insisting that some of the state’s findings are incorrect…’

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5 Responses to “The letter of the law”..unless it doesn’t suit them.

  1. The Dishonorable Judge Leitman couldn’t twist the law, so he attacked the facts — and without one single shred of substantiation. This is just one more form of vote fraud, except in this case decreed from the federal bench.

    • KG says:

      Yes indeed. And it’s not a peculiarly American disease either.
      There’s not much left of liberty after politicians, judges and bureaucrats have gnawed away at it, is there?

  2. This is what happens when the original intent of the Constitution is abandoned –
    the individual states are to determine election “laws” –
    and- we have “given” the third branch – which was to be the least powerful – too much power–

    A Salute to our BEST – this Memorial Day – and to the BEST of our allies–

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Did I miss something? The required number of valid signatures is 1000 but he fell 500 short? That plus the fact that this is his 25th or 26th election and the stench is far worse. What’s betting the good judge wouldn’t have rescued the congressman if he had been a Republican?