Open house

Illegitimate puppet succeeded by serial liar?  The Dems will be proud if it happens.

Oh, and invest in firewood.

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41 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘Texas man told he can’t fly Old Glory because it’s a ‘threat to the Muslim community’….’

  2. Ronbo says:

    The Hildabeast will never be president…Barack H. Obama has the office for life. :shock:


    Absent a civil war and a death sentence for treason, The Magic Negro is President For Life.


    When did any dictator ever step down peacefully :?: :evil:

  3. Ronbo says:

    ‘Texas man told he can’t fly Old Glory because it’s a ‘threat to the Muslim community’….’

    …and he’s not backing down :!: :mrgreen:

    …and the apartment management cannot win this case. :mrgreen:

    …and the property owner is looking at a losing civil case. :mrgreen:

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    This just makes me so much safer.

    So now NZ will be able to defend itself against a troop of Girl Guides.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I wouldn’t necessarily assume that, Michael. Without air defence capability, what if the Girl Guides start dropping stink bombs from home-made UAVs? They’re a wily bunch, those Girl Guides!

      • Darin says:

        STILL flying Huey’s? :shock:

        If I lived in NZ,I would suggest buying a good boat,or learning Mandarin.

        • KG says:

          If you lived in NZ, Darin, you’d see that the enemy is being imported wholesale. And made welcome. :evil:

          • Darin says:

            Oh,they are buying up real estate here in droves and popping out anchor babies by the thousands.

            They are talking the same path of conquest the muslims are,breeding a couple generations and voting in they take over is cheaper than a military invasion,especially when your enemy is paying for it.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    I well remember the Left pouting and stamping their feet that WMDs were not found in Iraq. Whether or not invading Iraq was the right thing to do, it appears they were wrong yet again.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    And now for something nice:

    I linked to the story here for a bit of background which is missing in the YouTube video.

  7. Ronbo says:

    In regards to the Iraqi WMDs – It was well known in 2003 that Saddam had chemical weapons, but the sticking point was the nukes..none were discovered and the smart money says they never existed, just a gigantic hoax by Saddam designed to puff up the pathetic Iraqi defense capabilities and prevent an invasion by America and her allies.

    Of course, the Leftards in America redefined WMDs to mean only nukes, which meant that “Bush lied and G.I.s died” and “forgot” that based on the same intelligence reports they had voted TWICE for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

    • Darin says:

      Yup,the left and the dems where against the war in Afghanistan until the public turned against them,then they were for it.Then they were for the war in Iraqi until they were against it and used it as a tool for political gain whereby they aided and gave comfort to the enemy in a time of war.They should all be shot as traitors period. :evil:

      • Ronbo says:

        (sigh) So many traitors…So little ammunition…My favorite gun shop limits .223 ammo to ONE box of 20 rounds per week.

        I was thinking about doing reloads but I’d probably end up blowing me and the rifle to pieces. :mrgreen:

  8. Redbaiter says:

    “The US president, Barack Obama, has praised New Zealand prime minister John Key as a key ally in his crusade to tackle climate change.”

    What a gutless useless prick Key is.

    • KG says:

      But..but The Won mentioned Key’s son BY NAME!
      The NZ Herald and Stuff news have wet their collective knickers over it.
      I just put up a post for you, RB. ;-)

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    Just the sound of this guy’s voice makes me distrust anything he says. Am I wrong here?

    • KG says:

      Politician. Lips moving…..

      • Darin says:

        He’s a former Silicon valley executive in the pocket of corporate America who wants more H1 visas handed out for tech workers.

        Immigrant tech works,doing the six figure salaried jobs Americans won’t do.Bastard :evil:

        His task will be to whip the Republican majority into voting in the next round of amnesty,which they will cave on and screw over conservatives yet again Bastards :evil:

  10. Darin says:

    Pepper spray-Extra spicy :mrgreen:

  11. Darin says:

    Dam,just dam :sad:

    Read the whole rotten thing,another of America’s finest killed overseas after being disrespected at home :evil:

    • his uniform not allowed at school graduation- and we in the US continue to send our children to these PoS schools–
      H O M E SCHOOL!!

      • Ronbo says:

        I believe the young man didn’t tell the school to get fucked and showed up in his uniform anyway :!: :evil:

        I would have also had dozens of cameras rolling when the school ordered security to get him off campus :!: :evil:

        Speaking of military uniforms and Academia – when I was stationed At Meade, Md. briefly in the 1970, a G.I. from our base was assaulted by a gang of Leftard because was in uniform for a class he was taking there – and to “calm” things down – the UM powers that be banned military students from wearing uniforms on campus.

        Needless to say this went over like a lead balloon at Ft. Meade, which is only about ten miles away from the campus at College Park, so the next afternoon about every off duty soldier in my battalion (1,500 strong) put on their steel helmets, flak jackets, combat boots and piled into cars to do a surprise visit to UM.

        Our first move was to surround the student union and beat the crap out of any long hair pinkos who looked at us wrong. Of course, the college administration called in the Maryland Highway Patrol, but guess what? There were no units available to confront the troops. :mrgreen:

        This is a textbook way to deal with the Left and they always back down when confronted with the mailed fist and a combat boot with the ass.

        BTW, no G.I. in “Operation UM” were arrested and the next day the college administration reversed themselves on the “no uniforms on campus” policy. Also, campus security “discovered” the identification of the Leftards who beat up the soldier and they were thrown into the county jail for assault and battery.

    • The Gantt Guy says:


      What a fine, fine young man and a tragic loss. We need more young people with that community spirit, and for the school to refuse to allow him to wear his uniform to graduation is an absolute disgrace.

      • KG says:

        As long as parents keep sending their children to State Indoctrination Centers skools will continue to be leftist cesspits.

  12. KG says:


    Another “Christian” denomination that’s been infiltrated by activists loony clowns.

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    AP gets another story wrong but who is surprised at that? I see the reporter’s first name is Shawn…of the dead brain perhaps?

  14. KG says:

    Typical of AP. Bastards. :evil:

  15. KG says:

    ‘Louisiana Gov. Jindal claims ‘rebellion brewing’ against Washington’
    “Are we witnessing right now the most radically, extremely liberal, ideological president of our entire lifetime right here in the United States of America, or are we witnessing the most incompetent president of the United States of America in the history of our lifetimes? You know, it is a difficult question,” he said. “I’ve thought long and hard about it. Here’s the only answer I’ve come up with, and I’m going to quote Secretary Clinton: `What difference does it make?”