NZ: While self-defence is a crime,

slimy bureauspeak from senior police bureaucrats is leaving the public unprotected:
“I’m dedicated to providing a work environment where staff feel supported and one which enables staff to perform at their full potential.”
According to this Kareer Klown, a one-hour response time is his staff “performing at their full potential”.  (It’s just unfortunate that robbers, rapists and home invaders see it as a way for themselves to perform at their full potential, too)
Meanwhile, any member of the public who shoots one of the scumbags dead in defence of his family and/or property will face a charge of murder. This is surreal.

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5 Responses to NZ: While self-defence is a crime,

  1. Ronbo says:

    “Meanwhile, any member of the public who shoots one of the scumbags dead in defense of his family and/or property will face a charge of murder. This is surreal.”

    Only if the police find the body… :evil:

  2. Brown says:

    There’s always plenty of resource for traffic patrols.

    • KG says:

      Exactly. And pulling over drivers for breathalyzer checks–because the Police Dept. gets a payment per driver for that, despite the fact that their “hit rate” is probably less than 1%… :evil:

  3. Darin says:

    In order to be a successful criminal one only needs to be smarter than the cops.Unfortunately many times that’s not very smart :mrgreen: