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Very, very cute
Hahaha I have seen people at the Ra gay fest who looked and danced just like that
Went to the local five and dime store yesterday just before a huge Thunderstorm rolled in.The air was calm and muggy and the sky had tuned black.On top of the stores marque was a group of beautiful jet Black Crows perched there looking at the sky and talking to each other.It was like something from the Brothers Grim
I like crows. Amazing animals.
How big do they grow, KG ? I’ve always had a soft spot for owls, and the type I’d love to raise would be Elf Owls; I win a lottery, I’ll be raising them, cheetahs, clouded leopards, & head back to the Piber Stud Farm, to purchase about 4-5 brood mares beyond breeding again {the fillys are trained the same as the colts, to ensure the dressage ability is in the bloodlines}, as ‘pet’ riding horses {they can live to ~ 40 years}.
Semper Fi’
Morepork are not a particularly big owl. They would probably be about the size of a screech owl in the US. Certainly not as large as a great horned. The one in the video looks to be close to adult size.
Gecko wants one.
I’d NEVER have a leopard, DM. Much as I love cats of all sizes, leopards simply cannot be fully tamed. A cheetah or a lion would be a better bet. (although a lynx would be great, too.)
Ideally, I’d have enough land for about a 2-5 acre island for the clouded leopards, & bring them food daily – I realize leopards aren’t that ‘domestic-able’, and would want to keep them as near feral as possible, so that, God willing, their offspring could be released into sanctuary-type eco-systems, to re-populate areas where they have been lost …………………….. {SIGH!} Just consider it my dreaming ……………………….
Semper Fi’
It’s so CUTE – with the few fledgling feathers left, it just looks ……………………….. awkward ………………………
Semper Fi’
True Facts about the Owl-
Zygodactyl-Now there is a word you don’t use everyday
Maybe not but I use Nemadactylus macropterus often enough to be boring
In the words of Steve Martin-“Are you an Ichthyologist too ?”