Open house

owlboxbe back later

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67 Responses to Open house

  1. MvL says:

    That thing looks very pissed off. :twisted:
    Presently sitting at Bris airport waiting to depart on a delayed Emirates A380.
    Not really lookin forward to a return to N Z winter temperatures after Qld. Although
    the locals here rug up when it drops to 16c :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      :lol: I’d be very pissed off too if I was an eagle owl and somebody stuck me in a cardboard carton. But in fact he just likes to play in them.
      MvL we may be headed back to “enjoy” a NZ winter too. :sad:
      This morning dawned sunny and cool as usual for this time of year. About 8c I think. We’re going to miss it terribly.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Hard frosts in Nelson lately. Just the sort you hate :twisted:

        • KG says:

          :shock: We really needed to hear that, Michael. :sad:
          I was out sighting in a new scope this morning, and there were no people for miles, it was calm and sunny with lots of birdlife. Even winter here is beautiful, although it doesn’t last long.

      • thor42 says:

        ” “MvL we may be headed back to “enjoy” a NZ winter too.”

        It has its upsides – have you ever been skiing KG? Great fun!

        It’s been a few years since I was on the slopes but I can recommend a day or two up on Ruapehu.
        I went to the Turoa field on the southern side. Some *nice* “bowls” in the valleys that are great to swoosh across.

  2. Ronbo says:


    Although you wouldn’t know it from reading/watching the Lamestream Media, and, yes, President Hussein’s black fingerprints are all over the sudden disappearance of our southern border with Mexico.

    Revolution, anyone? Even old King George III wouldn’t have had the balls to half of what President Hussein has done in the last five and half years :!: :twisted:


    President pushes amnesty at naturalization ceremony…
    TX Trip: Three Fundraisers — No Border Visit…
    Interactive map: Government effort to relocate illegals…
    Obama Look-Alike Killed in Ad…
    RISK: ISIS ties to Mexican drug lords…
    Rancher Discovers $2M Pot Farm on Land…
    Activist distributes flashlights to border crossers…
    PRUDEN: Wave of illegals risks turning USA into Third World country…

  3. KG says:

    ‘Dodge has announced that its new supercharged V8 will be rated at an astonishing 707 hp and 650 lb-ft of torque when it debuts in the 2015 Challenger SRT later this year, making it the most powerful mass produced American car ever.’

  4. KG says:

    ‘Psychedelic mushrooms may have positive long-term effects’

    Well, yes, they do. Wabbit can attest to that. :mrgreen:
    But the dickhead editor at Stuff news has used a photograph of a deadly mushroom to illustrate the article!

    • Ronbo says:

      When I lived in Florida years ago, a friend of mine who worked for a large cattle ranch in Brevard County said they had found dead bodies of kids who ate the wrong type of mushroom.

      ….but the upside is that the dead mushroom eaters were given the Darwin Award First Class…

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Maybe someone told them because it isn’t in the link article.

      • KG says:

        Just as well, otherwise some clown would look at the headline, look at the pic and rush out to find an Amanita. :lol:

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          Got curious so I went to Stuff and searched for ‘psychedelic mushrooms’ and while the picture is missing from the article it still accompanies the title in the search. But you know how kiddies love pretty plants.

  5. KG says:

    What part of “mind your own fucking business” don’t some people understand?
    Gawd, I detest “social media”. :evil:

    • Darin says:

      I was hating Facebook before hating Facebook was cool.

      I hope that one day soon we can hunt proggs to extinction.It would be the best way to save mother Earth.

  6. KG says:

    Via Drudge:
    ‘Climate change’ could make red hair a thing of past…

    University Offers Female Students Extra Credit For Not Shaving Armpits…

    Smoke Spewing Pickup Trucks Protest Obama…

    • Ronbo says:

      It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine :!: :mrgreen:

      • Ronbo says:

        That being said in jest by 2045, the machines I will program may decide that socialist and Muslim humans are just too unstable to have as roommates on this here small blue planet and… :evil:

        O BRAVE NEW WORLD :!:

          • KG says:

            From the link:
            ‘A 2009 experiment showed that robots can develop the ability to lie to each other. Run at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems in the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, Switzerland, the experiment had robots designed to cooperate in finding beneficial resources like energy and avoiding the hazardous ones. Shockingly, the robots learned to lie to each other in an attempt to hoard the beneficial resources for themselves.

            “The implication is that they’re also learning self-preservation,” Del Monte told us. “Whether or not they’re conscious is a moot point.”…’
            Interesting times ahead…. :lol:

            • Darin says:

              Scientists announced they would build the largest computer ever conceived.

              It was to be so large that it would be built in Earths orbit and use the vacuum of space itself for cooling.

              The computer was built and the moment they switched it on they began asking it to solve problems.

              They solved Pi to ten million places,found the cure for cancer and counted every star in the sky.

              Then they asked it if there was a god.The great machine ground to a halt,sat for a few minutes and then powered back up.

              The answer came in-“There is now” :mrgreen:

  7. Darin says:

    Misconceptions helped kill Australian carbon tax-–finance.html

    From what I have seen I don’t think there was any misconception about it,people got wise to being lied to and stolen from and they kicked the bastards out.

    • KG says:

      Yahoo News FFS Ronbo?!
      To pick just one misleading sentence:
      “Three top political leaders lost their jobs over the issue as support for climate-change measures plummeted.”

      Not so. Gillard flat-out lied about it and the others were merely doing what politicians do–backstabbing and maneuvering for power.
      It had stuff-all to do with climate change policies and the party’s defeat had far, far more to do with the unrestricted invasion by primitives in boats.

      • Darin says:

        Not Ronbo,it was me :oops:

        I thought the carbon tax was as big a dumper as the immigration thing??? awh hell it’s still early here that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it :grin:

  8. KG says:

    The answer came in-”There is now” :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  9. KG says:

    ‘Hillary Clinton is attempting to justify the hundreds of thousands of dollars she gets for speaking fees by claiming she has “donated” those extravagant fees to “charity.” But it turns out that “charity” is her own Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation.’

  10. pascal says:

    Report: Feds to Bring in Riot Squad Against Illegal Immigration Protesters

    IOW, they’re coming to provoke a riot. First Bundy — where they blinked. Now Murieta — where the locals should expect provocateur agents.

    • Ronbo says:

      I’m afraid the Feds are after more than just your average riot, they are trying to start a revolution they think is inevitable, and they think they can easily win.

      I THINK NOT :!: :twisted:

      REF. BOSTON MASSACRE: 1770 :shock:

      BRING IT ON, BABY :!: :evil:

  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    So the feds are going to arrive in riot gear

    Wirecutter had this about posted and one of the commenters said it is the middle of Darrel Issa’s district. Who wants to bet it is not coincidence?

    • KG says:

      Not me.
      And note the language there…”to SUBDUE” citizens exercising their rights.
      These bastards are really pushing for it, are’nt they? Since when was it the job of Federal agents to enforce unlawful acts by an Administration?
      :evil: :evil: :evil:

    • pascal says:

      Notice the difference between this Daily Caller headline and the Breitbart one just above it? Let me fix it for them.

      “Protests about the invaders and their abettors”

      Well, what can we expect of these journos’ opinions given they can’t even report the correct date:

      “Murrieta has been in the news since June 1…”

      No asswipes, that is July 1.

    • Darin says:

      Flogging would be too good for that bastard,a small hole in the head would be better :evil:

      Let’s hope Raju can spend the next hopefully 25-30 years of his remaining life being an Elephant.

      • KG says:

        Sounds like he’ll at least have some heffalump company and decent food. :grin:
        A small hole in the head would be too quick I reckon for the bastard.

    • Robertv says:

      But until now we didn’t see summer here. Some warm days but not summer.


      • KG says:

        0220 here and it’s only 2.9c! :shock:
        If I were a betting man, my money would be on an extended cold period. Perhaps we’d get some good odds on that from the gullible warmistas…..

        • KG says:

          From your link:
          ‘With no fanfare at all, the European Commission has slipped out the 2013 figures for its Financial Transparency System, a searchable database of grant funding to third parties, including NGOs.

          The database is a goldmine of information, telling us, for instance, that the EU paid the BBC €6,100,987 last year, Friends of the Earth (in all its incarnations) €4,188,230, WWF €5,344,641 and the RSPB €3,802,544. What is also of very great interest is that the EU subsidised UN institutions to the tune of nearly €140 million.

          All this and much will be the subject of further reporting and analysis, but once again it brings to light the huge amount of taxpayer funding going to unaccountable NGOs, and especially (but not exclusively) climate change advocacy groups…’

          Taxpayer’s money being used to fund interests which are acting against the taxpayer’s themselves. Ayn Rand’s “ultimate inversion” come true….

  12. pascal says:

    I’m virtually certain that you will make a post centered around Daniel Greenfield’s latest.
    But because he so strongly take on the Death Cult, both Islamic AND Western, I wished for you to do so sooner rather than later.

    There just are so many neighbors who still do not get it. Sadly, not all of them are on the Left either!
    Emphasis here is mine:

    Only when we destroy our own cult of death, will be able to defeat the cult of death of our enemies.

    “I have yet before you life and death, the blessing and the curse,” G-d tells Israel. “Therefore choose life that you may live, you and your children.”

    If we do not choose life, then we cannot live.

    • KG says:

      Being a minimalist sort, it doesn’t appeal to me much. Remarkable, nevertheless. :shock:

      • Darin says:

        I was amazed and would like to know how much the old gal paid out in rent over all those years.

        Apartments of any sort are said to be super expensive and highly sought after.I remember an article from a few years back where people were paying elderly tenants thousands a month in order to get first offer on their apartments when they died.

        There was at least one case where the tenant outlived the person paying the earnest money,even though they had been paying for many years.Completely crazy system,but that’s Parisians for you :shock:

  13. KG says:

    Looks like the media has found both drivers guilty:
    ‘A truck driver involved in a collision that killed a cyclist says he hadn’t had an eye examination in at least five years at the time of the accident.’
    Had the cyclist?
    and (separate accident):
    ‘A Courier Post driver says a fatal accident with a cyclist yesterday was over in an instant.
    …Hamilton Bicycling Network representative Bill Hope said “There are a number of instances when people are in a hurry will risk a cyclist’s safety in their need for speed or reducing time.”

    No questions about the behaviour of the riders, of course.

    • Darin says:

      Funny,I have always figured that since A-most commercial trucks are a lot bigger than me.B-they pay a LOT more road use and fuel taxes than me and C- They do their dead level best to see to it that things like groceries and other things I need arrive at the store on time that I should stay well out of their way and let them do their job.That’s just me though and I have been accused of having common sense from time to time :roll:

      I still say if cyclists want to “share” the road,they need to “share” the bill for it by buying tags,licenses,insurance and paying road use tax. :twisted: