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- Darin on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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The Last Straw…
Speaking of The Last Straw: Could this be it President Hussein is not backing down and armies are massing…
Third group of illegals dropped in CA…
MAYOR: Never Contacted About Dumping…
Feds to Bring in Riot Squad…
Showdown ‘might get ugly’…
LAPD Will No Longer Comply With ICE Hold Requests…
Militia groups organize…
‘Operation Secure Our Border’…
CRUZ: 95% Coming to get Amnesty…
Is this ‘Obama’s Katrina’?
Tuberculosis spreading at camps…
More illegals from China crossing…
Email Shows Feds Struggling To Find Housing…
Leaked ‘Homeland’ Memo: 99.9% of illegal minors from Central America evade deportation…
Protesters Pack Streets Outside Federal Building In Downtown LA…
Will Murrieta be the patriot’s North Bridge?
China thinks they can take us in a street fight-
So, I guess the subs will be next up on fucking Obama’s list of things to sabotage.
“Why I quit teaching after 33 years”-
Top comment-
“11. cause most teachers are over paid knuckleheads?
12. cause a lot of students now days speak espanol?
13. cause underage girls dress like sluts?
City of Chicago ordered to pay NRA’s legal fees again-
Stupid Chicago gun grabbing commies just never learn.
They can’t.
That’s why they’re stupid Chicago gun grabbing commies .
Is Jordan the next Domino to fall?
You bet. A lot of these animals still have it in for Jordan over the massacre of “Palestinians”.
It looks like Israel and Jordan are “cooperating”. Time for another lesson for the Arabs who think they can destroy Israel, me thinks.
Jordan is another supposed ally of the US. That HBSC in the White House won’t do squat to protect them either. I am approaching Medusa’s loathing of that …whatever it is *spit*.
Mawm’s link looks very promising indeed. Jordan has all sorts of contacts and not insignificant military capabilities.
“…every post here is an open house.”
I think we all appreciate that KG. Thanks for having us at your place.
You’re more than welcome, John. A blog is nothing without commenters and CR has a great bunch of people commenting here.
A bit distracted here right now…buying a car in NZ.
I’ve sent you an email.
Got it. Thanks.
Australia on the United Nations poop list:
The Australian response should be the same as President Hussein when called to account: “SUE ME ”
Damn right.
‘Obama praises Abbas, not Netanyahu in op-ed
President Barack Obama offered strong praise for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in an opinion piece published Tuesday in an Israeli newspaper, but had little to say about the other key player in the crisis, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…’
Well, after all, Brother Abbas is a Muslim just like President Hussein…and you know what the KORAN said about those Jews.
Effeminate metrosexual gay males like Obama are often intimidated by and jealous of real men like Netanyahu.
Or something else altogether?
Buck Sexton and me are on the same insurrection page:
Sexton brought in Dan Stein, the president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, to discuss three potential scenarios.
The first anticipated the possibility that there could be a “show of force” against U.S. citizens.
“This is based upon the reporting that federal agents are going to be showing up now with batons and with riot shields, prepared for less than lethal force usage against American citizens who protest these busing policies of taking illegal immigrants who are caught at or near the border and moving them into cities or towns far away from the border,” Sexton said.
Stein replied that there is “no question” there could be “an incident” if such an outcome occurs, saying “the average American would see [this] confirming in his or her mind that the federal government has set itself directly at variance with the interests of the American people.”
Yep! This may develop into the Battle of North Bridge, but if not this incident, then something else in the near future, as President Hussein is pushing all the revolution buttons.
Scientists-Amazon rain forests less than 2,000 years old-
NOW bashes Catholic Little Sisters of the Poor-
Proving again that there is no limit to how low the leftist will go.
The Left hates Christianity – thou shall have no other gods besides Karl Marx.
“I’m Dopeless in Seattle, Dude ”
Jeesh. The pretending never stop!
Breitbart headline: White House Requests $3.7 Billion in Emergency Funding to Deal with Border Crisis
For the sake of every patriot:
Every penny Obama gets he will use to repress those who protest the invasion he abets.
“Supertyphoon Neoguri did not even fit into our fisheye lens view. I have never seen anything like this.”
Oh, how sad…..
‘ Three teens injured, one critically, when stolen car they were in crashed while fleeing police. ‘
Now wait for the predictable complaints about police having the poor taste to chase crims…..
Very sad, KG. Some poor bastard is now minus his car.
Quite. And insurance premiums climb a little higher….
What the MSM doesn’t mention, and the omission is no accident:
‘..Nearly 300 rockets and mortars have been fired at Israel in recent weeks, including a barrage of close to 100 projectiles on Monday alone..’
Another move against Religious freedom
The attacks will never stop.
‘Glenn Beck to Bring Soccer Balls, Hot Meals to Illegals: ‘We Must Open Our Hearts’..’
Think the Good Samaritan
Think wealthy idiot.
A nice meal of toad in the hole followed by spotted dick, but then again that’s probably what these illegals are suffering from.
I saw a mention of the judge in the Khattala terrorist trial in a political cartoon that pointed out a fact I didn’t realize. The 6th paragraph has the info.
I am sure Justice will be served.
From your link:
‘Cooper is the newest federal judge in the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia. He was a nominee of President Barack Obama and took office in March. He said his wife formerly supervised the national security section in the U.S. Attorney’s office, which is handling the case against Abu Khattala. Cooper said his wife left the office in 2008, long before the events in the current case.’
uh huh……….
Gotta make sure the right outcome is achieved!
‘The general in charge of U.S. Southern Command says America´s porous southern border poses as much a threat as any foreign power, with gangs and terrorist groups hiding among the tidal wave of illegals. If Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, keeps warning about the crisis at our southern border, he may soon join the long list of generals and admirals sacked by this administration as it decimates the military…’