Let’s play “spot the bandwagon”:


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15 Responses to Let’s play “spot the bandwagon”:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Perhaps if the “friend” she went to the pool with wasn’t a thieving POS, she wouldn’t have been served a trespass order? Lie down with dogs and all that.

    • KG says:

      Aye. But then, why let that skin pigment go to waste, eh?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        You know, with the rash of these “profiling” stories in the SSM recently, if I were less charitable I’d suggest someone is trying to overload the senses to the point where the weak-kneed are too afraid to confront/prosecute/say anything at all negative about certain groups in society for fear of being accused of being a racist racial-profiling white-supremacist tea-bagger.

        But I’m not less charitable. So I won’t suggest that. I’ll just say instead that if the fuckers would only stop being lawless fuckers in such massive numbers then there would be no need for profiling the fuckers, would there!

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Here’s a little more profiling for us to get our heads around.

    National Party MP who belongs to TWO protected victim groups – maori and lesbian. If she had one leg, she’d be the perfect Labour Party MP.

    Decides to take a little trip to Aussie at Christmas time (“yeah, nah” on whether it was private visitation – apparently visiting “maori living in Australia who were on the maori roll” – no mention of whether said maori are related to the recalcitrant MP) and of course puts it on the taxpayer’s credit card. Gets caught and pays back the money – or so we’re told, because she can’t remember how much it was and Parliamentary Services won’t release details. Then blames her assistants for not knowing the rules!

    She has form, this one. Clear rules preventing the employment of spouses, yet this one employed its “wife” in the electorate office!

    Oh, and by the way, got into Parliament to replace “disgraced” MP Aaron Gilmore. So, not quite as bad as Gilmore then? A question of degrees, at best, and how many devils can dance on the head of a pin.

    Memo National Party: graft and corruption are expected from Labour, Green, MegaMana, Maori and Winston First parties. They can’t survive without it. We – your fucking employers – expect better from you. Smarten up, you trough-snuffling bastards.


    • KG says:

      :shock: But..but..NZ is the “least corrupt” western country, Gantt!
      The mind boggles–just how corrupt must the rest of the west be, then?

  3. Ronbo says:

    Where can Americans run in the world to escape Big Brother :?:

    I think we should think about going off planet…

    How is Mars in the summer :?: :mrgreen:

    • Andrew Berwick says:


      Or back in time to East Germany.

      More free & less tax than today’s USA (and so far freer & cheaper than NZ)

  4. Darin says:

    I got that beat.

    Crazy bitch of the week-


    Be very careful guys how you cut up fruit,you could be charged with a crime. :shock: