‘Pictures show that the same family killed in Syria by Assad was also killed by IDF bombing in Gaza a couple of days ago, according to Arab media…’
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I’m DEAD again
They’ll probably have to die again to illustrate the dangers of fracking.
One dead Syrian baby, one million dead Fakistinian babies. Arab form of recycling.
Did our own media pass along the same report? If it did, it belongs in my SSM episode collection.
Two questions I have are-
#1 how many more times will the MSM be caught doing this.it is after all at least the fourth time in the past couple years.
#2 who really killed those kids.
#1 – Depressingly more times, I’d say.
#2 – I don’t know, but I’d *bet* it wasn’t Israel.
The only thing worse than Canadian healthcare
Yep – Pallywood in full swing (and the utterly braindead left-wing MSM lap it up).
Had a lively debate elsewhere with some braindead pro-Fakestinian folks. I managed to *shut them up* well and truly by saying that when Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2006 (IIRC), that was the one-in-a-thousand-lifetimes chance for the Fakestinians to prove that they wanted peace (if they really did).
Of course, we all know here that they *don’t* want peace, and they threw the chance out the window, firing more rockets than ever at Israel.
Even one of the higher-level Fakestinians has admitted that every rocket fired at Israel is a war crime.
It’s a shame Thor,some in Gaza want peace and they want to just live normal lives,raise a family and better themselves.Several Jewish owned corporations setup factories and hired mostly Arab labor to the benefit of all.
Sadly the bomb throwing,child killing muzbots want otherwise.
It’s those zombie kids again i tell ya!They just don’t stay down.
I heard Angalina Jolie has offed to pay for their burials and a small donation to their families , but hammas had intercepted the money
and purchased some more suicide vests for the children of the Arab fakestinians.