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‘Every so often the Guardian
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The Guardian reminds me of that old Monty Python skit that skewers such thinking. Tracey Van Slyke has obviously been educated far beyond her intelligence.
And she obviously doesn’t have enough to worry about in her pointless little life, William.
Headline of the day:
‘George Harrison memorial tree killed by beetles’
It’s the Guardian for f***s sake! What should we expect, intelligence?, erudition?, rationalism?, analysis?, common sense?, reason?, human decency or even dialectic? (I almost wrote dyslectic there but that would be an insult to the poor unfortunates so afflicted who individually and collectively are better endowed with neurones than the entire editorial staff of the ‘Manchester Pravda’ as we used to call it).
Hung upside down over a slow fire would be too kind an ending for those denizens of Treason Central, God willing…or even Allah Willing if he is of a mind as that sort of thing would appear to be right up his street.
(And I’m in a better than usual mood today, Praise Unto The Perverted Prophet)
So, we see eye-to-eye on that despicable rag, Seneca?
I had a conversation last year with a woman who said she got her news from the BBC and the Guardian, and claimed that she was “well-informed”!
As Reagan said-“the trouble with our liberal friends is that so much of what they believe simply isn’t true”
But they’re perfectly willing to kill in the name of what’s not true.
Beam me up, Scotty
I liked this comment on the article:
” … .. It’s a wind-up? If not, then perhaps the show could introduce a shrewish female engine who takes herself much too seriously, that the author of this piece may approve of? … .. “
This article HAS to be satire
Nope…or rather, sort of. Leftists have become self-satirizing.