‘Volcanoes given back to iwi care
The Crown is gifting some of Auckland’s most historic and recognisable assets – 14 volcano sites – to a group of 13 iwi and hapu as part of a landmark bill to redress historical injustices.
And the legislation paves the way for a new tree to finally sit atop Maungakiekie/One Tree Hill, which has had a barren summit since the iconic tree at the top was terminally injured in 2000…’
The government has no mandate for facilitating the wholesale theft of public property by maori. No mention – of course – of the innocent settler’s families murdered by maori. What redress, what apology by maori for those? And the iconic landmark tree was vandalised, not “terminally injured”. As was its replacement.
And I’d love to know just what “care” the maoris are going to lavish on the volcanoes……one suspects it’ll take the form of charging for their use and forcing people to ask permission to set foot on them.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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I recently had a beery debate with some Aussies about living in NZ where there are no natural predators (other than a few sharks off Otago.) I pointed out that more NZers die at the hands of maoris in NZ, than those killed by snakes and crocodiles in OZ. Wiped out the debate really.
Hadn’t thought of it in those terms Cad, but now that you mention it….
Now for a good eruption of a volcano or two.
There is no redress for whitey,we don,t count.
The tree was ‘terminally injured’ because the idiot who was trying to fall it wasn’t a bushman’s bum.
A solitary tree, on a lean, on a hilltop, and he got his saw stuck.
Why am I not surprised?
Yep- easiest tree in Auckland to fell-and yet…
Not his fault–he probably majored in whitey mugging, not forestry.
Anyone in the negotiations ask the Maori representatives when they were going to pay reparations to the descendants of the Moiori?
Please, Michael! One should never, ever mention Moriori, cannibalism or slavery. Or vast amounts paid in welfare and special brown-centric taxpayer funded programs.
Somebody might get the idea maori are a pack of criminal leeches who don’t deserve any more largesse.
@Cad: Buy yourself a bottle of “Bishops Leap” wine, just to read the label. There’s also a vino going by the name “Makutu”*.
*No mention on the Makutu bottle of invoking that name to get away with murder http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/2434854/Father-wasn-t-told-of-makutu-death
-Whitey is supposed to take that/them seriously
Also wondering if the council representatives are appointed part-maori beyond the reach of whitey-law, like that thieving tart from a couple of posts back
Interesting. Thanks. The knowledge I glean from this site unfolds amazingly before my eyes!
One of the results of the troughing is the automatic prejudice toward Maori looking individuals. Case in point…I decided to treat myself to a restaurant lunch today. Shortly after I arrived, three Maori looking women arrived with a small boy in tow. One of my first thoughts was ‘Where’s the man of the family?’ and a second thought was ‘How much of my taxes is going toward paying for their meals?’ All without any immediate evidence for those thoughts.
On a related note, has anyone ever asked the left/feminists who decry how violent men are, how come boys raised in a house lacking a male influence tend to be morte violent that one with one? As evidence I give you the inner city black violence and the high incidence of child/woman abuse among Maori.
Unintended outcomes…just like the drive for “equality”. We look at a maori in a position of management or power and of course the first question that occurs to any person with two firing synapses is “did they get there on merit or skin color?”.
Positive discrimination is negative discrimination.
Just so.
Alas, nothing will change until whitey gets his balls back and starts kicking ass and taking names…
The only thing rude, obnoxious and inferior people of color understand is the fist in the face and the combat boot up the ass
Yes, crude rhetoric to be sure, but you all know it is true
And there are plenty of feral whites in the same category, Ronbo.
Some will only be happy when whitey packs up, goes back to Europe, or the sea, and the noble savage is returned in all his glory, wife beating, child raping, cannibalism, rampant disease, slavery etc.
Yep. And there are plenty of multiculti morons ready and willing to help.