We’ll be on the road for a week at least, so posting will be intermittent. (by me, anyway.)
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
Recent Comments
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Phil Stephenson on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Some traveling music for KG by Willie Nelson:
Stay safe
Thanks, Michael. I tend to be a lot more careful when Gecko’s with me.
The trick when leaving at 0500 is to avoid hitting a ‘roo, wild pig or cow. The road between here and Townsville is littered with the bodies of ’em.
Hope all goes well for you two!
How not to move
I liked to move while I was single in the U.S. Army – I would pack one suitcase for my civilian clothes and extra stuff, and one duffel bag with my military issue.
Everything else was given away to my buddies, or went to the unit’s “slop chest” that was usually located in the basement next to the armory for the new guys setting up their BEQs.
I will say one thing good about the now out-of-business PAM AM – they often managed to send my military issue to the wrong airport in the wrong country, but my suitcase was always in baggage claim.
May the road rise up to meet your feet my friend. Have a good trip!
The new Remus:
Economic collapse may be the final shoe to fall in this, the year of our discontent.
Leave the keys with Gantt and Darin (not necessarily in that order… LOL) and we’ll play merry hell until you get back KG.
However, I don’t know…
By all means play merry hell.
That’ll keep Gantt and Darin on their toes. 
Got oil drums for the bottles and burlap sacks for the cans
Thank you, gentlemen.

Right now we’re in Townsville and Wabbit is all but paralysed. (sciatic nerve, I suspect).
Ah well, only another 2000km to go. Dunno how, though…….
What a surprise! Maori corruption! Amazed, we are….
A $20 million hole in the accounts of the central North Island iwi has raised questions about the way settlement money was used.
What the hell…it’s only taxpayer’s hard-earned, after all.
That’s me.
I will be very busy next week doing what a man has gotta do, so don’t email me.