On leftist dimwits:

The most common complaint concerning Crusader Rabbit I see around the blogs concerns the fact that we adamantly refuse to give leftists a voice here. Apparently, the note at the top of the sidebar which says “leftists not welcome” is both ambiguous (because they keep trying to leave comments) and an affront to free speech–“free speech” being, in their case, the freedom to leave obscene and abusive comments promoting their obscene and abusive ideology, in a space paid for by other people.
So once again, for the perpetually aggrieved, the endlessly whining masturbatory entitlement-ridden useful idiots of the parasitic left–you are the enemy. We have no interest in engaging in discussion with you, no desire to change your way of “thinking”, no wish to compromise, find some “middle ground” or moderate our stance on liberty. You are the enemy of those things we hold dear and as such we want to see your rotten ideology consigned to the cesspit where it belongs.
Some of you may be merely naive, some of you willingly misguided useful idiots, but the effects of your naivety and stupidity have been lethal in the service of an evil cause. So you’ll get no voice here. Not now, not ever.
Our cause. Our dime. Our voice.

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