Ain’t that the truth!

Col. B. Bunny:
‘..This isn’t to say that Mr. Putin is without blemish. Even terrible actions laid at his feet, however, pale in comparison — back here in the real world — to the wholesale betrayal of Western populations by loathsome Western politicians who have connived at the abandonment and evisceration of constitution, law, and tradition; attacked religion; undermined free markets; destroyed the family; humiliated and perverted their police forces; rejoiced over the advance of socialism; embraced multiculturalism; made a joke out of representative institutions; made taxpayers yearn for mere fiscal profligacy; and guaranteed either (1) a humiliating subjection of their own people to jeering, revengeful blacks and/or insufferable and savage Muslims or (2) a salutary and correcting bloody uprising of Western abos. Choose only one…’

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24 Responses to Ain’t that the truth!

  1. We have been betrayed and it started a 100 plus years ago- hidden meetings-bankers–and et al- Follow the Money–Power over others…
    Is it time for us Westerners to finally take a Revolutionary action –
    some one once said – “Give me Liberty or Give Me Death”
    (I know the Revolutionary Patriot- and I am sure those here know him too)

    • Ronbo says:

      This is the same conclusion I came to in 2005: REVOLUTION :!:

      Start all over again :!:

      No ruling class has ever gone quietly into the night… :evil:

  2. Odakyu-sen says:

    Be careful. Inside every revolutionary is a closet aristocrat.

    • KG says:

      :lol: There’s some truth in that.

      • Odakyu-sen says:

        Mind you, the Fathers of the American War of Independence did a pretty good job that we could all learn from.

    • Col. Bunny says:

      Or worse.

      Still, revolutions take place in the local soil. Chinese dynasties fell when their tightly-controlled populations just withdrew their support. But the replacement regimes were, ta da, imperial dynasties.

      A revolution in the U.S. doesn’t have to be a game of 52 pick up, though it might come to that. The lawfare and “civil rights”/”human rights”/equality uber alles/propositional nation/open borders madness doesn’t tolerate moderate ideas (border control, disenfranchisement/Norplant for welfare recipients, 100-year moratorium on immigration, hamstringing of the unconstitutional monstrosity that the federal government is). Orderly reform is a pipe dream. Therefore, “kaboom,” as an insightful denizen of the web phrased it. With luck it will be limited to dealing with the explosion of resentment after an economic collapse and a drying up of welfare/tribute payments to the underclass. With the end of the fantasies of racial equality and multiculturalism (cultural equality) something of the old republican flavor might manage a salutary reactionary leap backward.

      Given the dominance of The Lie and complete lubltish underlying every — and I do mean every — area of public life we’re probably looking at a Fukushima moment in all our futures.

    • WOW- how did you know (-: :roll: ;-)

      I could become serious w/ some family lineage – but – will not- because FREEDOM is more important than hierarchy –plus- I need a break from serious-
      So thank you!

  3. Robertv says:

    Paul Craig Roberts AMERICA is on the BRINK of COLLAPSE DOLLAR DIED World War 3

    Luckily in Europe WWIII will be over in more or less half an hour. If they start in the middle of the night we wouldn’t even know. We just don’t weak up in the morning.

  4. Ronbo says:

    “Be careful. Inside every revolutionary is a closet aristocrat.”

    Please refer to me as “Sir Ronbo” in the future :!: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  5. Col. Bunny says:

    Thanks for the link, as always, Keith. I’ll be posting some more when my meth supplier whips up a new batch.

  6. andy5759 says:

    Why, oh why is NATO and the fuckin* European cun*ing Union poking the Russian bear? Colonel Bunny has it right, Putin represents his constituency. REPRESENTS. In England we have a few, low pay graders, that try. Oh for an English Putin. USA, look at what you’ve got, God help us all. There will be a meat grinder, who is going first?

  7. Lucia Maria says:

    I think Colonel B Bunny needs to go live in Russia for some perspective.

    Have we seen anything like this in the West? Russia Orders Bloggers To ‘Register’; Outlaws Anonymous Blogging, Continues Clampdown On Social Media

    Or this? Russian Authorities Arrest Russians Protesting Invasion of Ukraine

    At least Western politicians are saying something over the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, however I blame the Germans for the ineffectual response. They even vetoed more NATO troops in Poland recently. It’s not quite 1939 again, but seriously, has Germany forgotten their previous alliance?

  8. KG says:

    “I think Colonel B Bunny needs to go live in Russia for some perspective.”

    The key words used by the Col. are “pale in comparison”.
    And Col. Bunny is right, Putin’s actions pale in comparison to the wholesale betrayal of Western populations by their politicians.
    At least Putin isn’t complicit in cultural genocide. Our politicians are and I find it impossible to think of a worse crime an elected representative can commit.
    Also, Lucia Maria, you said:
    “Have we seen anything like this in the West? Russia Orders Bloggers To ‘Register’; Outlaws Anonymous Blogging, Continues Clampdown On Social Media”

    Australia avoided something very close to that only by kicking out the Gillard Gang recently.

    I’m no Putin admirer but I’m also very aware that almost all of our politicians in the West are enemies of liberty.

    • Ronbo says:

      …It’s like the comic strip character Pogo said during 1968, when during a very bloody war in Southeast Asia, Americans at home were going for each other throats in bloody race riots and anti-war disorders: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Didn’t that ProgLibTard Farrar recently “register” as a “media outlet” or join the journalists union or some other such pablum following the recent release of that other ProgLibTard Slater’s hacked emails?

      I know in New Zealand our political masters don’t make their opponents disappear, and don’t send to Siberia (and steal the wealth of) those who oppose their policies, so we’re not talking the same thing at all, but isn’t what Farrar did basically the same as “registering”?

      • KG says:

        …but isn’t what Farrar did basically the same as “registering”?

        Of course it is. Self-censorship and cowardice. Which simply encourages our rulers to clamp down on free speech.
        I find people such as Farrar far more repulsive than straightforward leftards. :evil:

    • Lucia Maria says:


      The Putins of this world live and breathe cultural genocide. And then sell a completely different view of what they are doing to the world.

      If it wasn’t for the internet, most of us would probably believe that fascists had taken over the Ukranian Government, shot down MH17 and were now just battling the good people of Eastern Ukraine rather than the Russian army. The internet made that impossible, except for those that refuse to believe that Russia could be that bad. See MH17 Is the World’s First Open-Source Air Crash Investigation

      If Australia were Russian, the Gillard gang would have come back with gusto in the last elections, because the Russians know how to fake their results and destroy the opposition. See The Loneliness of Vladimir Putin.

      This book is essential reading to understand what we are dealing with when it comes to Russia: Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism.

      Sure almost all our politicians could be thought of as enemies of liberty, but not in the way that Putin is. They’ve got nothing on him in comparison.

  9. Darin says:

    Our leaders have a lot to answer for alright,but I ain’t letting Putin off easy either,so far as I am concerned we still owe the reds pay back.
    Our leaders are just rank amateurs in dealing with the likes of Putin.All this bluff,bluster and hand wringing simply isn’t required.If we simply gave the Ukrainians the weapons we promised to them,that whole mess would sort itself in short order.Reagan and Thatcher understood how the world works,this current lot of idiots couldn’t deal their way out of a wet paper grocery sack.

    The same holds true with ISIS,if we had given the Kurds the weapons we had promised them for the last 20 years ISIS would have been stopped back when they were two assholes with an RPG and a pickup truck.But hell no,this bunch of bumbling idiots waits until they are slaughtering innocents in mass and dug in like Ticks before even thinking about doing anything.

    • Lucia Maria says:

      Hi Darin,

      I agree with regards to the Kurds, but from what I’ve read, the Ukrainians have weapons, heaps of them. I could be wrong in that regard, as I don’t know what was promised – maybe it would have made a difference.

      • Darin says:

        Lucia,they have mostly small arms which are basically worthless against Russian armor.They also have very little in the way of electronic warfare jamming systems.It was we in the US with a delegation ,of which then Senator Barack Obama was part of, that convinced the Ukraine to give up it’s heavy weapons-

        When Bush left office NATO was set to expand and we were to build the missile shield in Poland as a hedge against Putin’s expansionist dreams.When Obama took office all that was out the window with the infamous “Reset” button Hillary brought with her to Moscow.

        A few western designed and built Javelin shoulder fired anti-tank missiles would allow the Ukrainian regular army to give Putin one very public,very black eye.A column of burning Russian tanks won’t be popular back home,just as they weren’t popular during their “Vietnam” in Afghanistan.

        But nevermind all that,the Situation in the Ukraine,just like ISIS,just like Libya and just like the southern border is of HIS making.It is his and his alone and he is the one who has painted himself into a corner,but it’s the rest of us that gets stuck with the bill.

        When we look at every foreign and domestic policy decision he and his team has made just two possibilities exist.Either he is a completely ignorant spoiled little child,or he has done all of this on purpose.

        The problem we all have is that this may boil down to just two men.One a megalomaniac sociopath,the other a narcissistic candy ass.Problem is both have their finger on the button.

        Lord help us all if what they have been building under the White House the last four years is an underground nuclear hardened golf course.

        • Lucia Maria says:


          LOL on the “underground nuclear hardened golf course”!!

          Here’s an article that I just read today that incorporates the line that sending Ukraineadvanced weapons won’t help (due to the lack of training issue) : Russia Has Conquered Eastern Ukraine, But Will The West Just Let Them Have It?, and another article from yesterday on what will make the difference: Want to help Ukraine? Stop Accepting it’s Stolen Cash

          I don’t want to criticise Obama too much here, because at least he’s not calling Putin, Uncle Joe as Roosevelt did during WWII, and rolling over and giving him everything he wants, hoping that there will be reciprocation. The US has grown up in that regard, no matter how incompetent your leader – at least the people supporting the Presidency have a clue, and I have hope because of that.

          • Darin says:

            The Javelin missile doesn’t require a great deal of training and it makes T-72 tanks disappear-


            “I don’t want to criticise Obama too much here, because at least he’s not calling Putin, Uncle Joe as Roosevelt did during WWII, and rolling over and giving him everything he wants, hoping that there will be reciprocation. The US has grown up in that regard, no matter how incompetent your leader – at least the people supporting the Presidency have a clue, and I have hope because of that.”


            Putin has gotten everything he wants and will continue to do so.There is no missile shield in Poland,The Ukraine is not a member of NATO,he has taken Crimea,invaded eastern Ukraine,we have no access to space,or the ISS which the US mostly paid for,he’s responded to the limp wristed sanctions,by putting a choke hold on Nickel and Chromium exports.I’m sorry,but Putin is in the Catbird seat and Obama’s idiocy has put him there.

            “”This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility,” – BHO

            I rest my case.