If they’re the future, we are screwed…

idiot7-233x350 Warmy protesters:
“…I actually hope that Global Warming can somehow be made real because a species that produced this specimen doesn’t deserve to exist.”
Daniel Greenfield

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5 Responses to If they’re the future, we are screwed…

  1. Ronbo says:

    Why do most Leftists have low I.Q.s :?:

    Because only a moron could believe socialist lies :!: http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  2. Mathew says:

    It simply beggars belief that so many in the west could be so stupid. It hasn’t warmed for close to 20 years now morons. It just hasn’t you fools.

    I saw footage of tim flannery preaching the end of the world an all that to these fools. It’s amazing that someone like flannery who has such a record of wrong predictions can still speak to these fools without being laughed off the stage.

    In the old days these people would be the mob waving pitch forks shouting the earth is flat and the sun revolves around us.

  3. Pascal says:

    If you think that picture is evidence of primitive idiocy, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    I’ve been running a series for the last two weeks Fighting the Growth of Theocracy in America. And it really is actually a global neo-pagan religion, Sus(tainability) worship. And Priest RFK Jr wants to jail all non-believers. And in that desire implies the danger to the people from a State religion.

    However, because America’s constitutional founders included article VI, paragraph 3 provides standing in court to science workers who’ve been harmed from not answering affirmatively a religious test question “Do you believe global warming climate change is real and caused by human activity.”

    This is the subject of part 3 of my series, planned to appear tomorrow. We need to press this idea so that legal eagles will notice the opening and will seek out those harmed. Maybe through that process we can bring an end to the establishment of this abomination that, unopposed, would bring an end to liberty, life and civilization.

  4. Contempt says:

    :shock: There is something fishy about this stuff. If God wanted to, a snap of the fingers would erase everything on Earth. :roll: Like, I grew up on ancient sand dunes made by an ocean of long ago. Now we call them sandhills. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

  5. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!OOSC!!!* BlackBerry and Diplomatic Pouch have not visited BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound lately and rumor is that it is too “radical” for them in addition the coolness of the underground is unsettlingly disturbingly far out fromst current thought although yours very trulilily is getting along tolerable well all things considered although it gets worse before it gets better yet it is worse than that so not to veer off topic OMG!!!No Dippy no doan whip my assssssss

    *OOSC – out of Styrofoam cups