Getting to the nub of what ails us.

Janet Daley, writing in the Brit Daily Telegraph:
‘Today’s remote and insulated politicians are responsible for the new People’s Revolt
‘..So maybe this is not about Right vs Left at all – at least not in any conventional sense. Indeed, there is something else that is characteristic of the almost universal hatred of those in charge. It is not, so much, as is often claimed, anti-politics or even anti-politician. Nor is it, as it often looks to be, just a revolt by the provincial against the metropolitan interest – although that is one form that it takes.
What is at the heart of all these manifestations is anger at the loss of any sense of politics belonging to a habitable place: of being in touch with a local community that has its roots in shared understanding and common attitudes. This is what is at the heart of the “anti-immigration” wave: a fear of losing the collective history and common assumptions that bind people together and give them a sense of continuity.
…..But in truth this goes beyond bureaucratic mechanisms and questions of legal sovereignty. The domestic politics of most Western countries have lost connection with the history of their own people: they have joined a kind of international club that has its own set of vaguely social democratic, more or less Left-liberal assumptions, and its own technical vocabulary that does not resonate with real people in their everyday lives. It is “elitist” in the true sense of the word…’
(bold mine)

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11 Responses to Getting to the nub of what ails us.

  1. When Georg Washington warned us in the US to ‘..stay out of the affairs of Europe’ – his statement was based on his recent and ancient HIStory–
    He was also prophetic-
    INTERNATIONALism is the death of a Republic such as ours–

  2. Ronbo says:

    Mankind can be divided into two classes – (1) The Country Class, i.e., We The People, The Producers, The Intelligent Ones, The Alpha Males and Females and (2) The Ruling Class – The Low I.Q. Ones, Parasites, Criminals, Collectivists, The Betas and the Charlies, – THE EVIL ONES WHO SHOULD BE PUT DOWN LIKE MAD DOGS :!: :evil:

  3. Darin says:

    Our elected leaders have appointed themselves kings simple as that.

    Well I for one say pull the lever,drop the blade and watch the rolling heads :evil:

  4. mawm says:

    They will never stop interfering and controlling peoples lives either. Now they want GP’s in the UK to screen their patients for “brain age”so that they can “advise ” them to make lifestyle changes “….actions to tackle smoking, drinking, sedentary behaviour and poor diet could really reduce the risk of dementia in later life.”

    The problem I have is that there is no evidence, absolutely none what-so-ever, that alcohol consumption is causative in Alzheimer’s disease. They’d like there to be one, they have done many studies to try and prove it, but it has not been shown. Sure excessive alcohol consumption causes its own types of dementia and brain loss but that is excessive amounts often with associated poor diet.

    This publication from The National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse – Alcohol Use and the Risk of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease

    Although it is biologically plausible that drinking increases the risk of AD, epidemiologic studies have not supported this hypothesis. Currently, no strong evidence suggests that alcohol use influences the risk of developing AD, but further research is needed before the effect of alcohol use on AD is fully understood.


    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I’ll drink to that

      • KG says:

        Me too. :mrgreen:

        • mawm says:

          Did you notice that those who smoke and drink have a lower risk than those who do either on its own. Unfortunately the biggest risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s is ………… age.

          • KG says:

            Which seems very odd….
            I detest age. Well, old age that is.

          • rivoniaboy says:

            Fact – over the age of 80 years old, 50% of the population will start losing their marbles. This told to me by a psychiatrist at Princess Margaret Hospital.
            Confirms what Mawm said.

            • mawm says:

              It’s actually far more than that and far younger. It is just that we do not go looking for it.