‘ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl reported that according to WH officials “the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform “no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight” during ABC’s Election coverage on Tuesday.
Karl said “White House officials are saying that you can expect the president to set an aggressive, and defiant tone tomorrow. You’re not going to see any mea culpas, no big firings, no change in direction.”
He added “officials tell me the president is prepared to aggressively pursue his agenda using his power of executive authority, where he can’t work with Congress, and the big one is going to be on immigration reform. White House officials tell me that the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight.”..’
Coupled with a traitorous Supreme Court and bureaucrats making law by regulations, does anybody really expect the outcome of these elections will change a damn thing?
Only Revolution 2.0 will save the Republic.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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And from the “never let a crisis go to waste” files …
Time to impeach!
I never watch CNN…………….but tonight I thoroughly enjoying it.
I watched MSNBC just to see Chris Mathews look like somebody walked over his grave
The chill is gone
BTW, back in 1992 I met Chris Mathews in person in Orlando, Florida at Disney World and debated him for about 20 minutes.
Long story here, but the short of it is that I sandbagged him so bad he asked I were related to Rush Limbaugh

Too late for the legal and merciful…The dead, cold body of the monster in the castle will have to be carried out by the peasants and burned.
One good thing about this, the whole “Do Nothing Congress” meme can be comprehensively deconstructed. I agree with Charles Krauthammer; the Congress needs to pass a bill a week, and force Barry to either sign or veto. I also agree they should start with Keystone. Move through Barry’s agenda piece by piece by piece and force him to veto.
There are many ways the Republican Senate can throw sand into the gears of the well oiled Obama machine and grind it to a halt…but only IF THEY HAVE THE BALLS.
It depends on the RINO leadership. The hope is they will see the light and join the winning team.
But at the very least just having the institution under GOP control will force Obama to rule by P.O. and by the federal bureaucracy, and this illegal rule will only serve to piss off the opposition even more.
I’ve said since 2008 that Obama’s endgame as president is to start an insurrection, which he wrongly thinks he can easily win, and become Caesar Augustus.
I think he will get his wish.
I don’t think he’s going to like what he gets….the fate of Caligula
Defund the govt – yes including the military “fighting” the Boy Wonder’s non-wars with their hands behind their backs – until Osamacare is repealed.
Pass federal right-to-work and right-to-trade laws, wiping out stupid liberal state minimum wage laws, restrictions on fossil fuels, subsidies. Ban unions.
Pass a Federal law requiring actual possession of an open-carry weapon to vote.
We know what needs to be done: has the GOP got the guts to do it.
Time to pass the Liberty Amendments, the Personhood amendment, Right to Work and Right to Trade, and best of all “Shooter-Voter” (open carry required to vote).
A Republic, not a Democracy. Just because 40% of the US electorate are fraudulent traitors doesn’t mean we should give ’em the time of day. Time to Nuke the ‘buster, hopefully a patriot would open up a few more vacancies in the Senate, and then we can impeach and return These United States to the Constitution!
She’s,Republican, pro-gun,anti-abortion,fiscally conservative,anti-amnesty,favors term limits,financed her own campaign……and she’s 18
Go Sara Go!
This election result isn’t a mandate for Republicans, it’s a restraining order on the Democrats and on Obama. The One said it himself – this election was about his policies and the voting public went out and told him what they thought about them.
America is deep in the sh*t and will not get it’s head up for air with Boehner and McConnell as leaders. Neither does this GOP win guarantee a Republican President, although a “it’s not Obama or Hilliary” campaign will attract some voters. America now needs a strong and charismatic leader that is able to make, and get acceptance of, the hard choices needed for recovery and to turn away from these destructive “progressive” politics.