
“A victory for motherhood”
Update: pmofnz has more to say about this.

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9 Responses to Lunacy

  1. Ronbo says:

    It looks like the taxpayers in Kiwi just got another tax increase :!: :cry:

    Like my old stalwart Republican dad used to say, “I don’t expect the taxpayers to pay for your education, Ronald, that is my bill.”

    • KG says:

      Excellent post, PM! I’ve updated mine.

      • Ronbo says:

        The privatization of education AT EVERY LEVEL is the final solution to end PC crap.

        After all, education is a service like getting your weekly haircut, or hiring a mechanic to fix your car.

        Can you imagine how much your tax bill would increase if the PC establishment made haircuts and car repairs a public service :?:

        Colonial America in the 18th century long before public education had achieved a 90% literacy rate and produced world class intellectuals like Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and others who would lead a revolution.

        Now compare those giants with the so-called “educated” PC politicians we get from State Education.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Wow, that teacher could likely quite legitimately claim 7-8 years’ teaching experience, could she not?

  2. Darin says:

    You mean you all don’t have paid paternity leave as well?I’m shocked,shocked I say,no worries I’m sure our lefties and yours will collaborate on how to better screw over benefit the taxpayers of both countries.

    I’m sure that one day soon lefty mom and dad,or dad and dad,or mom and mom,mom and it,or mom/dad and dad/mom will get the taxpayer funded 2 year vacation they so richly deserve :evil:

  3. Alan says:

    Yes Ronbo, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison etc would be rolling over in their graves if
    they saw what is happening in the U.S today, let alone the western world.

  4. Brown says:

    I gather the number of teachers in unions is falling so there is light on the horizon. Charter schools will also help fix this nonsense as parents vote with their feet.