‘…But when 15 savage men in black are threatening to cut your throat – and this is certainly how the Kapa o Pango haka appears, regardless of composer Derek Lardelli’s insistence that the offending motion is a Maori symbol of drawing energy into the body – it ought also to come with the right to reply….’
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It’s a bloody primate threat display. Nothing more.
Absolutely. And dictating how other teams may – or may not – respond to it is effing arrogant.
Yep, I have no problem with it being canned.
Beh, it’s lost whatever meaning it may have once had (I’m coming to your house to kill you). The rules re: right of reply is what interests/upsets me here.
Same here, Dond.
I love the Haka when the All Blacks do it pre game. Otherwise it is rubbish and much overdone by every idiot who gets pissed enough to lose class in public situations by trying it.
I dislike it VERY much, Mara because any threat display without a right of reply (or ignore) gives the team making it an advantage which has nothing to do with player skills.
Mind you, I also find the Kiwi obsession with rugby union utterly baffling. And irritating.
Regardless of its ostensible purpose, the haka in relation to rugby is nothing but a commercial marketing ploy – in the same class as an advertising jingle for a brand of children’s laxative.
When performed elsewhere (often by overweight porkers wearing wristwatches) it’s a Stone Age Primitive display that gives more pleasure to its performers than this repelled and astonished observer
On-field, the haka is cringeworthy and rugby’s blatant homoeroticism is a weird social curiosity. For women, I get it…rugby is pure Chippendales. But for ostensibly ruff-puff men????
So there you have it, haka and rugby…only in NZ.
I have had the horror of seeing elderly female lawn bowlers performing the Haka. Complete with calf length white pleated skirts and pudding bowl hats. Shudder.
As for right to reply, why doesn’t English rugby employ some Morris dancers to gaily skip around, waving hankies at the NZ team? It’s traditional, isn’t it?
Somehow it’s even made it over here in our cable company’s adverts –
Come to think of it,can someone recommend a good Maori warrior name so I can write Charter and tell them how offended I am at their cultural insensitivity and how a 50% discount would honor my people
Somewhere in a corporate office in Wellington, or in a mansion surrounded by tribally-induced poverty, a tribal leader is wondering who to sue for that travesty.
Whenever I see the haka I’m always reminded of that first Indiana Jones movie. The muzloid is poncing about, waving his sword; Indy gets bored, pulls his revolver and shoots the fucker.
100 per cent!
The words seem to me to be a load of meaningless bollocks.
That’s probably because the words are a load of meaningless bollocks, Rivoniaboy.
I read somewhere the haka was created by Te Raparaha (sp/ -open to correction) after he played dead and was the only one to survive a slaughter…
This is the same turkey whose diluted descendents wanted koha/kash for the Brits ruining his Maritime Empire. They seriously expected money for the Royal Navy stopping slave-gathering and cannibalism across Cook Strait
Hadn’t thought about that geezer for ages; Not since a stadium that was supposed to be named in his honour got canned.
[I was going to email the Aussie netball girls as a concerned citizen asking they schedule elsewhere. Had some links at the time~]