Where’s Darwin when you need him?
‘Night up wrong mountain in yoga pants’
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Some guy completely closes down the Hastings Police Station by bringing in a hand grenade he claimed he found in his garden. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11355749
I didn’t realize that a regional city police station could be disabled so easily and for such a lengthy period of time.
What do you want to bet it’s one of those old WW II dummy training grenades you can buy at any Army-Navy store in the USA for a $1.98
Nice going, brave cops
About the Darwin Award Finalist who climbs mountains in yoga pants, sneakers and a hoodie sweatshirt, I remember climbing Maine’s tallest mountain back in the 1970s during the summer well kited out in study climbing boots, heavy blue jeans, plaid wool shirt and jacket. Did I mention a day pack with military rations,compass, map, bug juice, emergency blanket and medical kit Be Prepared, heh
Anyhow, I get to the top by staying on the well marked trail, take in the view and start down. About half way down the mountain I hear women crying…so I do a recon off the trail and only about 100 feet into the bush and find three crying college age gals who looked like they’d fought a black bear and lost
Long story short, they were city girls going to a small private college in Massachusetts and decided on a whim to go to Maine and climb a mountain. Rule Number One – NEVER LEAVE THE TRAIL. Well they did, thinking to take a short cut down the mountain and got lost in short order. This was on Saturday morning. So for the next day they wandered around and around the mountain, totally lost with no food, water, or the necessary hiking equipment dressed in blue jeans, sweat shirts and wearing canvas deck shoes.
Needless to say, the bugs ate them up, they fell over (lucky for them!) small cliffs, banged into trees, ran in panic from nothing during the night, etc; however, none had serious injuries, so with all my food from my backpack, all my water, a little medical first aid and with me as a guide, I got them back to the parking lot and their car.
My reward was three heart felt “thank you’s” and they took my picture
I noticed The Three Darwin Award Finalists turned right out of the parking lot heading north to Canada instead of south to Massachusetts.
I have never had any trouble with land navigation,never been lost,never the least bit worried about where I was going.My middle brother on the other hand could get lost in a Phone booth and was a cross country truckdriver
Well KG, when you have a Corrections Department that lets things like this happen, the lack of planning by the police can be lumped into a dysfunctional Justice System.
Bloody typical. I had an acquaintance who escaped to Holland from NZ many years ago, and the picture on his passport looked nothing like him.
Fear not!!!
A multi-departmental enquiry will be held over many long months.
“Lessons will be learned”, “internal investigations” pursued, “apologies extended” from the safe height of ten thousand feet up Mt Olympus’ summit and “processes reviewed” but…
…not one single damn bureaucrat will be exposed for gross negligence, fired and lose pension entitlement.
Not a fricking one.
“…not one single damn bureaucrat will be exposed for gross negligence, fired and lose pension entitlement.”
Well of course, Flashy – our rulers are a protected species.
People should be sacked and the entire system should be changed. But that will not happen; we are too busy genuflecting before the UN. I will not live long enough to see any significant push-back to this. And lets not talk about Islam
“I will not live long enough to see any significant push-back to this.”
Me neither, Mara, unless the West erupts in civil war soon.
In which event, bureaucrats will have a very hard time indeed.
“Julia” lost-
Good article! I especially love the line “They were women who ran for office on policy platforms, not on their uteruses.”
Rush is suing the DCCC
Lawfare..way to go!
Whew!It’s a good thing global warming is still in effect
Snow Fall in South East Breaks 100 Year Records, Ushering in Mini Ice-Age
Rare Bird,North American XB-70,probably the most sophisticated aircraft ever built,capable of Mach 3.0 @70,000ft.
Only one of two ever built left on display at the Air Force Museum.
Amazing footage! I had no idea that’s how the accident happened.
Eerily similar to the Concorde, ain’t it?
Another Hot rod,the B-58 Hustler-
700mph@<500ft in the 1950's!
Yup,like my Dad said,there was what we said our planes could do,then there was what they could really do.
Yup,but to do what they do they all pretty much have to look that way.
A man was telling his buddy…
You won’t believe what happened last night…my daughter walked into the living room and said;
Dad, cancel my allowance immediately, forget my college tuition loan, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out the window, take my TV and my laptop.
Please take any of my jewellery to the Salvation Army or Cash Converters.
Then sell my car, take my front door key away from me and throw me out of the house.
Then disown me and never talk to me again and don’t forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to any charity you choose.
“Holy Smokes,” replied the friend. “She actually said all that?”
“Well, she didn’t use those exact words. Actually she said…
“Dad, meet my new boyfriend – Mohammed”.
Is that a Chainsaw in your pants,or are you just happy to see me?
Just come across the writings of a Dr Koenraad Elst. He is a Belgian Indologist, pronounces himself to be a former Roman Catholic and announced secularist, but reads to me like a Hindu convert. I am not yet sure of what to make of his views, but they certainly start differently from most that you hear in the West.
On the British Muslim problem for example he wrote:
And as an introduction to a book that he co-wrote about the communal violence in Gujarat in 2002:
In the same stumble round related sites I also came across a study of Jihad from a Hindu perspective:
I haven’t read it all through, but the author doesn’t distinguish Islam from Christianity in a number of places that I have chanced upon.
Although we can count the numbers who are against Islam, it doesn’t mean that we know the numbers on our side.
“Although we can count the numbers who are against Islam, it doesn’t mean that we know the numbers on our side.”
Quite so.