MP David Carter is a snivelling pc prick.

‘New prayer proposed for Parliament’

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5 Responses to MP David Carter is a snivelling pc prick.

  1. tranquil says:

    The very notion of prayer in parliament is unacceptable. There is supposed to be *separation* between religion and state.

    IMO the prayer must be dropped. If people want to pray in their own time then that’s a personal matter and is fine but it should have no place as a part of government.

  2. nominto says:

    one could imagine how that will play out in a few years …”it must be inclusive”..the mind boggles at what cult/stone age crap will be lumped into that.It is just too sickening a thought to write down what it could be.

  3. Ronbo says:

    This is silly…It is tantamount to the U.S. House of Representative firing its chaplain and hiring an American Indian witchdoctor to lead the daily prayer in all his barbarian animal skins, feathers and beads.

    OOPS :!: There I go giving the Left ideas :!: :evil:

  4. Lara says:

    New Zealand may have to spend forty years in the desert, our leaders hate God…will our blessings be stopped. Largely a country turning its back on the good.