‘..Offering asylum in Britain to Christians fleeing the forces of the so-called Islamic State risks “draining” the Middle East of communities which have been there since the time of St Paul, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned.’
If the bastard is so concerned about draining the Middle East of Christians, then why doesn’t he set an example and move there – and run the risk as those people do of being raped, stabbed or beheaded?
And I don’t see him objecting to giving so-called “moderate” muslims asylum..
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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I see his position as consistent with his embracing islamic immigration into Britain. When they “drain” the middle east of Muslims, the oppressed Christisans will be the only ones left.
This is proof of the power of prayer. He must have prayed very hard to come up with this twaddle. Why, oh why do we seem to get the third best candidate as primate? The man at York would do a brilliant job. Sentatu’s elevation to Canterbury may actually save the human race – all races.
The Middle East and North Africa used to Christian under the rule of the Roman Empire.
Then came the Muslims from Saudi Arabia and murdered the Christians.
Since the West has military superiority over the Muslims, the time has come to return the favor.
The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim
Hear hear!
The Anglican Church continues to plumb new depths. This is paramount to supporting the genocide of ME Christians.
From their own bible (King James) 2 Corinthians 11:13-14
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
Exactly. I don’t see the Archbishop as anything but evil.