‘Black Out The Blackers-Out

Francis Porretto on the MSM:
….On a tangentially related matter: have you followed the broadcast networks’ coverage of developments in Ferguson, Missouri? Have you felt adequately informed by it? Were you aware that private citizens and businessmen in that city have been buying guns and ammunition faster than local retail stores can stock them? That Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Al Sharpton have been egging the black mobs on? That the mouthpieces of those mobs have threatened “demonstrations” – mass violence – in 90 cities nationwide unless Officer Darren Wilson, not even the subject of an indictment yet, is convicted of murder?..’

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5 Responses to ‘Black Out The Blackers-Out

  1. whne are the Rsss going to demand that sharpton pay his back taxes-and send the IRS goons to arrest him…

    • KG says:

      Heck no, Carol! He’s far too useful to both sides of politics, which thrive on division and hatred.

      • Ronbo says:

        Thank you for playing into my hands, Obama and Holder, I can’t start the civil war that will cut your balls off, but you guys are doing a great job :!: :twisted:

  2. Yokel says:

    Those threatening violent demonstrations have obviously been watching the Muslims in action, and seen how quickly almost everyone kowtows to them. And both groups have been awarded protected victim status by the Left.