Who smells a fat muslim rat here?

‘Call for religious diversity lessons in schools
…The Secular Education Network says while schools are supposed to be sensitive to different religions, in the end what they teach is up to each school’s board.
Spokesman David Hines says Muslim leaders making submissions on the Terrorist Fighters Bill are worried about the negative view New Zealanders are getting of Islam…’
If it’s a SECULAR “education network” then why is this person poking his nose in to which religions are taught, and how?
“Secular” is too often code for anti-Christian….they don’t have the balls to be anti-islam.
And somebody should point out to the NZ leaders of the Religion of Mutilation and Murder that the best way to counter negative views of their totalitarian thuggishness is to protest loudly and clearly about mass murder, the subjugation of women and the mutilation of little girls. A large demonstration in Queen street, Auckland by muslims to that effect would do more to counter “negative views” than anything else could.
But we won’t hold our breath waiting for that. The fact is, the atrocities mentioned are part and parcel of their “religion” and sanctioned by their so-called holy book.

David Hines is a dhimmi clown. Somebody should whisper the word ‘Beslan’ in his ear. Has he expressed concern about what’s being taught in muslim schools?

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15 Responses to Who smells a fat muslim rat here?

  1. Barry says:

    Bravo KG! You are right!

  2. Darin says:

    Spot on!

  3. mistress mara says:

    A radical Muslim wants to behead you. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to behead you. And the others who could REALLY do without the aggravation of trouble in their own neighbourhoods are too frightened to march. They would be recognised and harassed or worse. It is all about silent agreement, quiet acquiescence or outright fear of consequences. I cannot bring myself to trust ANY of them.

    • KG says:

      So, because they’re afraid to confront the radicals among them, they expect us to treat all muslims as harmless unless and until we’re blown up or beheaded?
      Ordinary prudence and commonsense dictate otherwise.

      • D.T. says:

        I read a book many many years ago titled ” ChickenHawk “. In it Robert Mason ( UH-1 slick pilot ) observed that Vietnamese civilians would have a VC in the centre of them firing at the slicks so the door gunner would open up and kill all the civilians . Bob couldn’t get over the fact that they did not move as the tracers came in……..they feared their own more than they feared being killed by the yanks.

  4. mistress mara says:

    KG, yep.

  5. Pascal says:

    And somebody should point out to the NZ leaders of the Religion of Mutilation and Murder that the best way to counter negative views of their totalitarian thuggishness is to protest loudly and clearly about mass murder, the subjugation of women and the mutilation of little girls. A large demonstration in Queen street, Auckland by muslims to that effect would do more to counter “negative views” than anything else could.

    Jonah Goldberg expands on your simpler suggestion here.

    Think about it. Whenever a tiny minority of bad actors hurts the reputation of its ethnicity, faith, or cause by doing terrible things in the name of its ethnicity, faith, or cause, the responsible thing is for the moderate, decent majority to cry “Not in our name!” or “They don’t speak for us!”

    That is what morally decent Jews, Christians, atheists, whites, blacks, Italians, Irish, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, socialists, environmentalists, and pretty much every other classification of people I can think of do whenever their cause is hijacked or their identity besmirched. Silence may not automatically imply consent, but it does invite suspicion of consent.

    To be sure, there are Muslims who have had precisely this reaction as well. But can anyone deny that the world would be a better place if more Muslims felt — and demonstrated — that terrorists were giving them a bad name?

  6. Ronbo says:

    How can “moderate” Muslims be opposed to Islamists :?:

    After all, the only difference between the two is that the Islamist is a devout Muslim.

    If you have a devout Christian, you have a person who reads the Bible, prays a lot, and gives help to the poor, the sick and the handicapped…If you have devout Muslim, you have a thug, murderer, rapist at war with everyone in the world who is not as devout a Muslim as he thinks himself to be.

  7. Brown says:

    I think teaching about Islam in schools would be great as long as its the real deal and not a watered down leftie version. It will make all sensible kids say “yuck”. I don’t see how the Muslims can be upset if the truth is taught.

    • KG says:

      ” I don’t see how the Muslims can be upset if the truth is taught.”
      But they do get upset. Several people in the UK and Australia have already be convicted of “hate crimes” merely for quoting the exact words of the koran.
      The truth about islam mustn’t be spoken–unless by muzzies, in which case the police turn a blind eye.

  8. PC says:

    I’m really not keen on schools promoting genital mutilation, female subjugation, stonings or beheadings to children. Lets keep it to reading, writing and ‘rithmatic.

  9. Darin says:

    I don’t have any kids,but if I did they would not attend public school,period,full stop.I would not allow the minds of my offspring to be contaminated and reduced to mush.

  10. Darin says:

    Edited:Wrong title,wrong video :oops:

    All fixed now!

    What if-
