Media liars.

Ferguson Nationwide Protests CNN: Ferguson protests were ‘peaceful’

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4 Responses to Media liars.

  1. Ronbo says:

    Yes, and if you believe that I have an excellent bridge in Brooklyn to sale you cheap :!: :mrgreen:

    But on a serious note, the Lamestream Media is just digging itself a deeper hole coming out with crap like that….and they wonder why their audience has went over to Fox and the Internet.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Speaking of racist crimes in America – I discovered a website with the smoking gun on black racist crimes committed on whites since 1964…

    Would you believe over half a million :?: :shock:

    In contrast, the white racist crimes on blacks hardly exists in comparison.

    I did and copy and save of the website on my blog…just in case it should suddenly disappear.

    • KG says:

      Blacks in general have forfeited any claim to being downtrodden and discriminated against. :evil:

      • Ronbo says:

        Like everything else, what we are told by the Left about race relations is a Big Lie – A BIG FAT ORWELLIAN LIE, because it’s always the opposite of the truth.

        …and yes, our inferiors really do think we are too stupid to discover the truth on our own :!: :twisted:

        Imagine a world without Leftists…Elect ole Ronbo president of the USA and I would fall on the bastards like Oliver Cromwell fell on the Royalists…WITH A TERRIBLE SWIFT SWORD :!: :evil: