“hate crime”? nah……..it’s just what they do.

‘Pack of teens beats man to death near Ferguson, but protests sparse
Zemir Begic was a teenager when he and his family fled Bosnia in the aftermath of a bloody civil war. In America, he found work, friends and love before a pack of thugs beat him to death with hammers on a city street in St. Louis early Sunday.
….Although the victim was white and the suspects black and Hispanic, police said it does not appear to have been a hate crime…’
We all know they wouldn’t have been so quick to dismiss the hate crime angle had the races of perps and victim been reversed.

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16 Responses to “hate crime”? nah……..it’s just what they do.

  1. Odakyu-sen says:

    What, pray tell, does the police manual describe as a “hate crime”?

  2. Phil Stephenson says:

    The snivelling cur of a police chief is playing with words. He denies it is a hate crime because, “There is no indication that the gentleman last night was targeted because he was Bosnian.” He can say that without fear of being called a liar because, obviously being “Bosnian” had nothing to do with it. He left out the C-word – “Caucasian.”
    Where’s Whoopi Goldberg and all the rest of the cheer squad? Will the president call for schools to honour this victim? Yeah, right.

    • Odakyu-sen says:

      So, if group of Bosnians beat a Kenyan to death, the police chief will say, “There is no indication that the gentleman last night was targeted because he was Kenyan,” and it won’t be a hate crime.

      Sounds fair enough.

  3. GW says:

    There should be no hate crime laws. They were passed in Congress supposedly to combat racism after a couple of yahoos in Texas dragged a black man to death behind their car. It being Texas, the yahoos were sentenced to death, as I recall. So justice was fully served. But that didn’t suit the agenda of the race baiters on the left.

    This was really a way for the left to begin creating thought crimes and to punish white Americans who don’t agree with left wing policies. I have seen the most horrendous of crimes committed by blacks (google Christian and Newsom) and have yet, in the past 20 years, to see the hate crime laws applied against blacks. Even when you have black criminals talking about targeting whitey, you don’t see the hate crime laws applied.

    The only thing I can figure is that these DA’s are like Obama, they only find out about things by reading the newspaper. And since virtually every news article about violence committed by non-whites does not contain a description of the perpetrators . . . . well, how could they know.

    • Darin says:

      I remember that being brought up to try and embarrass GWB in the debates when he ran the first time.I believe that helped him get elected since “hate crimes legislation” on it’s face is a ridiculous concept and even the left knows it.

  4. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!TIAS*!!!BlackBerry has axd yours very truly to spread the good word to his friends in our 56-57th Steaks that yours very truly pending the trending news, will be assigned to permanent work at O’Keef’s Asstralian Bar Undt Grille as head waiter in charge of mixing the various libations PLUS O’Keef’s special dark meat only deep fat fried feral rabbit laced with Kangaroo gravy. YVT cannot wait!!!OMG!!!just b’tween us friends me thinks this may be a chance for yvt 2 escape all this Harvard Law School learnin’ but am also considering an appointment to M.I.T** however all things considered will somebody down there get me oout of this damn mess?!?I ain’t kidding dudes help a guy out for cryin out loud !!!OOPS!!!got a beep later but please get me out of here I don’t deserve this no way. HarvardPotatoHead

    *TIAS – this is a secret!!!
    **M.I.T. Massatwosetts Institoot of Textnology***
    ***Knowledge font of so many really cool perfessors and Presidential Advizorz well if it got Masschosettz in front of hit hit got to B good ain’t that right?

  5. Contempt says:

    :shock: yeah that last *** from Harvard reminds me of having a girl tell me she was glad she had an Ivy League Education. Whew! Get back where ya came from lady! Way Back!!

    These racist rioters and followers of jackass politics and revolution and in general the “God Damn America” Americans are ramping up their royal red rectums and should beware that a big suction event may suck them outside in. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Burn down stuff? How low an IQ you got to have to do that? Anyway, having a good time here in the Southern Colonies just waiting for the Atlantic to rise back to the ancient sand dunes around here. Could be a long wait.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

    • Ronbo says:

      Like I said before, you people ain’t seen nothing yet :!:

      Obama will continue to dump gasoline on the race war until it ramps up into full blown civil war…The black ghetto rat and the white anarchists/socialists/communists/progressives are the New Storm Troopers attempting to bring massive violence to the streets, shopping centers, malls, etc.

      It worked in Germany during the late 20s and 30s, but this is America in a different era and I don’t think it’s going to work.

  6. mawm says:

    Post-racial America. :roll: Nah, just the usual race hucksters at work.

    4 headlines from Breitbart this morning:-

    Holder Vows DOJ Will Release New Police Standards to ‘End Racial Profiling Once and For All’
    Jesse Jackson Calls Ferguson Grand Jury ‘A Hangman’s Noose’
    Obama: Unfair Policing ‘Violates My Belief in What America Can Be’
    Eyewitness Claim: ‘Black People’ Yelling ‘Kill The White People’ Before St. Louis Hammer Attack

  7. mawm says:

    Ronbo – some further “research” into black-on-white crime to shock you further you. Bill Whittle at his best.


  8. andy5759 says:

    How do these monsters get away with it? Could O’bama and the other high profile African Americans actually be fifth columnists, working to drastically reduce the population of American Africans in the US. At the same time replacing them with Hispanics from Mexico? If this is the case, does that mean that O’banana reads Fred on Everything. hic!

    • Ronbo says:

      It certainly looks that way, Andy :!: :shock:

      The race baiting poverty pimps like Obama, Jackson, Sharpton, et al seem to devised a Holocaust against American blacks.

      Take abortion – the vast majority of abortions are done by black women…But if the child survives four out of five chances say he/she will not have a father and be dependent on a welfare mother dependent on the State.

      The schools the child will attend are crap, The neighborhoods he/she are dirty, dangerous and crime ridden. The cities the children grow up in basket cases like Detroit.

      In short, the life of the average black man is short, nasty and brutish. Do you notice you see very few old black men :?: I would estimate the average life span for a black man in Detroit is about 40 years.

      Yes, the so called black leadership has done a great job in wiping out the black race in America by cutting it down by two thirds or more.

      Thus the need to refill the ranks with the Hispanics and other Third Worlders.

      An “oppressed class” is the glue that holds together the Progressive Movement.