Disapproved diversity:

‘The Left’s real problem with Rise Up Australia? It isn’t as racist as ethnics are meant to be.’
A couple of good pics in that article – and they show vividly that the Greens are the party of predominantly female, middle-class white idiot hobbyists.

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9 Responses to Disapproved diversity:

  1. D.T. says:

    Gold….absolute Gold.Lefties really don’t live in the real world.If it wasn’t so tragic it would be hilarious.Are they deliberately brain dead ?

  2. Ronbo says:

    The same story in all Western nations – the people running the Leftist show are palefaces educated at elite colleges and often knowing one another for years.

  3. Phil Stephenson says:

    Someone in the comments section described the Greens as “oxygen thieving knuckleheads.” Best laugh I’ve had all day.

  4. Yokel says:

    One reply to the original article that struck me was:

    “The left’s real problem is that they are evangelical Christians. It’s the same problem that they have with the Prime Minister. It is inconceivable to the left that anyone espousing a solid Christian faith could be walking the streets without supervision.”
    happy me of Brisbane Thu 04 Dec 14 (10:13am)

    One of the reasons that the Left invited the Muslims into our lands was to destroy the Christians for them. Then a Leftist takeover is more possible.

    • KG says:

      happy me of Brisbane has it exactly right, Yokel. An awful lot of people have not yet woken up to that truth, thinking leftists misguided but kinda harmless.
      The gulags and the gas chambers are their endpoint and a bullet the only real antidote to them.