Open house

Good Grief!     Don’t these Guardian readers/writers have lives?

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80 Responses to Open house

  1. Darin says:

    Good grief is right,these people must live astonishingly easy lives to even dream that garbage up.I don’t think any normal person would have the time to even conceive of such utter bullshit. :shock:

    • Ronbo says:

      You were saying, “normal people” = and clearly Leftists are not “normal humans” but mentally ill at best, or dangerously psychopathic at worse.

    • Ronbo says:

      Who needs the police :?:

      Maybe we should go back to Ye Olde Tombstone Era on the Wild West :?:

      Every honest man and woman strapping a gun on their hip and dealing out instant street justice to the gangbangers and criminals, who, if armed, would be subject to instant execution because we would forbid them on pain of death from arming themselves.

  2. Ronbo says:

    I have copyrighted my idea to a new and original reality television series called “Niggers Gone Wild” in which I show footage of African-Americans going ape at the weekly Mall race riot somewhere in America.

    No word yet from CBS, btw :mrgreen:

  3. Darin says:

    Additive machining,the future of prototype production :cool:

    • Ronbo says:

      Yes, but can it make an M-4 assault rifle and a 50 round magazine :?: I may need protection from all the niggers going wild and trying to kill me. :mrgreen: Oh, and I’ll take a 1,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition with that order. :mrgreen:

  4. Lara says:

    New Years dishonours list is out. Key is lining up for that Knighthood…how infuriating.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Even worse Lara, is that vile little Marxist Midget, Tariana Turia. Racist, seditious CUNT is being rewarded for years of race-baiting.

      • KG says:

        :shock: TURIA???????? Yegods……
        Excuse me while I go puke.

      • Lara says:

        Let the people choose the honourees…that would be fair. Never would the sheeple be allowed though!! Dark days ahead, and now, for the West.

        • KG says:

          I think so, Lara. I doubt things will be turned around in my lifetime.

        • mawm says:

          Lara then we’d have only AB’s being honoured, maybe an occasional netballer or cricketer, and “reality” TV participants.

          In my opinion no politician should ever get onto the list. If we continue down the current path we’d might as well add second-hand car salesmen, insurance salesmen and estate agents.

  5. andy5759 says:

    I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year. I will probably be pissed again at this time tomorrow night, so will have another opportunity, which I will take. The link was about serving one another. We all serve, all the time. In small ways, in unnoticeable ways. Does anyone think that we could have lived together this long if we didn’t behave in such a manner? Those who do will prosper, those who cannot can be taught, those who will not can be disposed of. A prosperous new year to you all.

    • Ronbo says:

      All the best, Andy, in 2015 :!:

      May our friends at CR be healthy, wealthy and wise in the New Year :!:

  6. KG says:

    Have a great 2015, Andy and thanks for your comments during the year.

  7. KG says:

    And you, Ronbo. May you have a very fine 2015. :grin:

  8. Lara says:

    By the way, KG, happy new year, a good malt, and thanks for the excellent reading all year long! May common sense return to the masses soon. :razz:

    • KG says:

      Thank you, Lara. And thank you for your excellent comments.
      2015 will be a better year, I feel it in me bones.

      • john says:

        I do so hope you are right KG, but I sometimes wonder…
        Anyway, all the best to you for the new year.

  9. Darin says:

    I’m stocking up :twisted: :twisted:

  10. Darin says:

    Vermont senator Bernie Sanders lays out his 12 point socialist plan for America-

    The same tried and failed socialists BS of the last century including single payer healthcare.Oddly enough his home state just bailed on it’s idea of single payer healthcare citing that the plan was too expensive and would blow out the state budget and kill jobs.

    Bernie Sanders and the socialists stupidity know no bounds,idiots all :roll:

    • Ronbo says:

      At least Bernie has the balls to call himself a socialist.

      I wish the same were true of the Democrat Party…

      Oh, I forgot….They’d never win another election if they did…outside of Vermont. :mrgreen:

      • Darin says:

        Vermont would be a deep red state if it were not for all the transplanted hippies and fudge packers from New York in Montpelier.

        Shame too,it’s such a beautiful state.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Oh please, please, please let the Hildebeast and Fauxcahontas take each other out and Big Bag Bernie get the Donkeycrat nomination!!

  11. Darin says:

    Stevie Ray Vaughan -VooDoo Chile :cool:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      People always look at me funny when I say SRV is one of my all-time, top 5 axe-men.

    • mawm says:

      Texas Blues at its best. Stevie Ray RIP.

      GG – most of the yoof don’t know of him. BTW that 18 year old Chivas looks inviting. I’ll have to slum it tonight with some Lagavulin.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        mawm, the Chivas is one of my 72 virgins; I’m saving her for a special occasion. The Lasanta was a Christmas present from a good friend, and I’m fixing to pop her cherry tonight (the Lasanta, not the friend!).

        But first, a cheeky Aussie red, along with the Gantt Special of the House, home-made pizza.

        2011 Torbreck – The Struie

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          And may I just say once again, thank you thank you thank you to that friend for the Lasanta. It really is the nectar of the Gods.

          • KG says:

            Bluidy Scots….what’s wrong with beer, eh? :roll:
            We peasants are seeing 2015 in with brown ale and a bottle of Pinot Gris..

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              Ain’t nothing wrong with beer, Cap’n. In fact, I’ve a fridge full of Tiger and Stella. But when it’s a choice between the swill of the brewer’s vat or the nectar of the Gods …

  12. mawm says:

    Happy New Year to all the bloggers, and of course our hosts, KG and Gecko. May the new year bring you health, happiness and financial security.

    The NZD drops 4% against the USD and yet is strong against the AUD, the Yen and the Euro. I guess somebody has to pay for the pilfering and the back handers, and the downright dishonest payments to Obama’s mates. The IMF, etc. are all complicit. I will not be surprised to see the raiding of bank accounts, as they did in Cyprus, this year. Buy gold and silver (and lead) and keep it out of sight.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      mawm, I assume from your comment you buy physical metals. Where do you buy from? I’ve been looking into it, but it seems most dealers are con merchants – either charging obscene fees, or offering nothing like the spot price?

      • mawm says:

        NZ Mint – which is a private company. You get a daily buy/sell rate emailed to you but it changes through out the day depending on the market. Unfortunately when the big sell offs occur at the end of the day on Wall street they are not trading. They do have quite a spread but their leanest is on the 1 oz Kiwi. They also have safe deposit boxes…..which I hope are safe….. @ $250 pa.

        Mmmmmm, a nice Aussie red with pizza. Unfortunately the chef has stopped cooking pizza and pasta. Says the wheat makes her fat, all 46kg of pure-bred southern Italian :roll:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Yep, I’m much the same. I was spreading out at an alarming rate, so have cut down on the sugar and carbs. Which means more steak! It also means on special occasions when I get pizza and Aussie red, it’s something of a treat (which I’ll pay for tomorrow).

  13. KG says:

    Thanks, Mawm. We’ll settle for two out of three of those. May you and yours have a wonderful 2015.

  14. Ronbo says:


    The evil RINO EMPIRE strikes back:

    Of course, the Tea Party Rebel Movement will respond, so stay tune for EPISODE THREE where the rebels attack the GOP DEATH STAR in Washington, D.C.

    • Ronbo says:


      It’s New Year’s Eve here on the Pacific Coast of the USA, early morning…

      • Darin says:

        In Arizona if they can’t find a conservative who can beat McLame hands down in the primary,then conservatives in AZ should back the democrat.Reason being a freshman democrat in a Republican majority senate will have no power and no chairmanship and since McLame votes with the dems half the time anyway the junior dem would in theory do less damage to the nation than McLame.

        • Ronbo says:

          I’m sure the TPM will come up with creative ways to get rid of the RINO Republicans, and they aren’t, despite what the Lamesmedia Media and their fuck boy Progressive Republicans hope, going away until the job is done.

          Another thing too, the RINO herd is getting old and will die out, even if the TPM doesn’t knock them off in the primaries.

          Thankfully, all the up and coming GOP stars are TPM and the backbenchers are filled with young blood.

          So Democrat or Republican the entire Congressional reactionary socialist herd is Jurassic Park dinos soon to be in the graveyard.

  15. KG says:

    “…the entire Congressional reactionary socialist herd is Jurassic Park dinos soon to be in the graveyard.”
    I’d rather like to see that process accelerated. By kinetic means if possible.

    • Ronbo says:

      I think at the end of the day it will come to civil war/revolution.

      No ruling class in the history of the world has went quietly into the night, and as events have shown us most recently in Sweden, a national ruling class will even cancel elections when they know the vote goes against them.

      In the words of Otto von Bismarck it will come to “Iron and Blood”…. :evil:

  16. Robertv says:

    Just survived a carcress. Will send a picture. We are ok front part of the car car has changed a little bit.

    Happy Newyear

  17. Darin says:

    For the Gantt Guy-SRV Sound check-

    He makes it look effortless :shock: :shock:

  18. Ronbo says:

    About 10 minutes to New Year’s on the east coast of America, three hours to go here in Seattle…I was going to go to Lake Washington for the fireworks…until I read what happened in China:

    Stay away from crowds, heh :?: :cry:

  19. KG says:

    Hehehe… all means, sonny… :twisted:
    ‘…Shabazz to Black Panthers: Time to Build Army, Go to Gun Range…’
    One guy roaming their ‘hood with a .308 would scatter them to the winds.

  20. KG says:

    ” If science could cross breed a jellyfish with a parrot, it could create academic administrators.”
    Thomas Sowell