Open house

and this crap: ‘How to find a feminist boyfriend’
But of course, she’d still like him to be her unpaid bodyguard and to do the heavy lifting. And to fix anything mechanical or electrical when needed…..

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34 Responses to Open house

  1. Ronbo says:

    (GAG!) That was me puking after I read that article :!: :evil:

    I’m thinking about rewriting that crap article into a satire on feminazis.

    I wouldn’t have to change much… :mrgreen:

    • Darin says:

      I sent her a note :mrgreen:

      Dear Lisa Bonos,

      Your “feminist boyfriend” is gay and not interested in women,that is why you haven’t met one.Most straight men your age aren’t interested in you,that’s your problem not theirs.Your two biggest problems are you’re a liberal and attracted to liberal men.That might work for you if you’re a fan of Monica Lewinski and know a good dry cleaner,but it means you have a very shallow gene pool to slurp I mean draw from.

      As for us men,we aren’t in to you.Your enthusiasm for abortion”rights” means you’re a “future killer”and I am sure you are just a fount of criticism for all things male.It’s “women” such as yourself that have caused us to no longer be interested in “women”as we would rather play sports,work or drive nails in our skulls than be so unfortunate as to become ensnared by the likes of you.

  2. Ronbo says:

    It looks like the Leftists done ambushed Prince Andy :!:

    Look at the picture of the underage girl he did the dirty with – How the hell do you tell if a girl is 17 or 18 :?: They all have fake I.D.s :!: I know when I was in high school more than a few young ladies of 15, 16, 17 borrowed or stole their older sister’s I.D. so they could get in the bars (the age was 21 in those days) so they could land a “college man.”

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    A feminist boyfriend is a girlfriend with a little bit more upper body strength.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    The Nanny State fails yet again! For the non-Kiwi’s that visit here, the speed limit on the open road is 100 km/hr. Until recently there was a ‘fudge factor’ of 10 km/hr where the cops would not give you a ticket but might signal you to slow down. Then about a year ago the bureaucrats decided to lower the grace margin to 4 km/hour to ‘Reduce the road toll’. Then, for this Christmas/New Year holiday period, they decided to implement a 0 tolerance policy…a speed of 101 km/hr would get you a ticket.

    The results are in …this year the deaths from vehicle accidents was more than double what it was last year. Well done you pack of useless idiots!

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      I wonder how many crashes were the result of staring at the speedo instead of the road…

      • KG says:

        And will any of the bastards take responsibility for their failure?
        When the outcome is the one they’ve intended, they’re all wise men. When it flops, it’s the fault of drivers.

  5. Darin says:

    Russian family alone in the wilderness away from human contact for 40 years-

    Hummm…reading the article I believe I would bring along a few more non-replaceable supplies and make a go of it.Imagine a place without a single fuckwit for miles… a word Heaven

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    Love her or hate her, the lady has a way with words. When PETA and other animal rights freaks went nuts about her son standing on the dog to reach the kitchen counter, she replied ….

  7. Warren Tooley says:

    When people find out the truth, feminism is going to get a big hit. They’re going to find out that feminism breaks the laws of nature :roll: I’m talking about the asking permission to show affection part. I’m talking about the non verbal cues that women give. Eg. If I ask you if you want to go to the beach. You would like to, but you know its going to hail. Then after realising that it won’t hail, you turn your no into yes. It was no, because it would hail. Its now, yes because you want to go and it won’t hail. In other words you want to go, but uncertainty makes you say no, until their no longer is any uncertainty.

    Here’s my experience. If a woman really, really, really is in love with me, if she’s sure about everything that this is exactly what she wants, she’ll hope for affection. If she doesn’t get affection, she’ll feel rejected and completely humiliated, and get nasty :oops: . However, if she’s not really in love. If its a thing where she’s a little interested in me, and wants to know an awful lot, she won’t want or show a lot of affection, but she’ll give cues to show that she still is interested, and yes will want slight affection, to know I’m still interested. So if she’s a little interested it is very easy to get her signals mixed up, as they border on friendly. It goes back to the beach example. Its a no, when they aren’t sure, because it could hail. Its a yes, when its smooth. So until they are sure, you can expect to get slight non verbal cues until she’s sure one way or the other.

    So when men start to understand the complexities of women and their signals. That the stronger the signal, the more she wants you, and why women who like guys give cues, and women in love are more straightforward, I expect the whole thing to crash, about the ask permission. Women give cues, when they sort of are interested, but not entirely sure :roll: , and want to know more about you. This has been my experience for the last 20+ years. I’ve had 3 stalkers in a year, and 5 marriage proposals, so I know something. A classic example is women who were friendly and nice, but had their parents expectation that the person would be a big money earner for them to have 6 children. We got on fine, but they and their friends always were asking what are you going to do for a living, even though I was still in college.

    I’ve been in dating prison, so while in dating prison I wrote a journal about how women who liked me acted. I even had physical threats and defamation of character threats from those I ignored, unless I asked them out, which I wasn’t allowed to. But I also had some really kind women, who said what they would do for me if I just gave them a chance. So because of my years in dating prison, I know these feminists have no idea in the world, as to what they are doing. And when men find out, they will be completely humiliated. :shock:

  8. Warren Tooley says:

    If you’re a man and completely lost in regards to my last post. When you do understand, you will see that feminists don’t understand why women give non verbal cues. And once people find that out, they will see feminism as ideology that doesn’t work. And no, I’m no longer in dating prison.

  9. Ronbo says:

    Feminism is subjective.

    The majority of women I’ve known over the years say the traditional nuclear family is the first principle of true feminism.

    In fact, I do believe the Christian, conservative and anti-abortion, “Concerned Women For America” number in the millions, while NOW – the National Association of Witches :mrgreen: (Leftists) only have a few thousand members.

    Like so much in our culture, the Left has hijacked the women’s movement, which started out in the 19th century as very pro-family, anti-abortion and male supporting.

    ….although they did pick up a hatchet every now and then and bust up a saloon or two…but that’s was because they wanted the man and paycheck at home with them and the kids. :mrgreen:

  10. Warren Tooley says:

    Thanks Ronbo, this is exactly the sort of point I’m making. Someone wants things to be different, but has no idea in the world, as to the full ramifications, and implications. If you want to push this no means no, yes means yes, then you have no right to play hard to get, and use non verbal cues to communicate :twisted: .

    And it seems that you understand this subjectivity of feminism in an overall view, I can only understand it from a non verbal cues point of view. Non verbal cues is something I have found completely impossible until now, and now they want to try this

    Also Ronbo, in regards to something else you were saying. Their was a time, where if the man and the woman split, it was between the man and woman as to what happened with the children. Then Kate Sheppard and the White Ribbon Society changed that to, if their is a split, no you pay up man, and you look after the child woman. And they put that principle into the courts. Now the White Ribbon Society has gone completely bonkers

  11. Ronbo says:

    Indeed, this is one of those era in history when the world has gone mad…revolutionary times when more things happens in one day than used happen in year in the 1890s.

    Everything has speeded up and it’s no wonder some people are literally losing their minds before our shocked eyes. The wildest rumors float – Obama will declare martial law and become the dictator. ARM – the American Resistance Movement – will raise two million militiamen and attack Washington, D.C. North Korea will pop a nuke high over America and knock out our power grids, which means we all die. When we go to the movies all we see in blood, gore and war. The streets are filled with Muslim terrorists and black gangbangers who want to kill whitey.

    My theory is that we are in the previews to either WW III, or CW II, or BOTH happening at the same time.

    Meanwhile in Seattle, Ronbo keeps his power dry and his gun handy:

  12. Brown says:

    Women probably divorce these femimen when they realise they were not the kind of men you need.

    • KG says:

      One likes to think so, Brown.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Brown, the issue I’ve got, is if their is a divorce :twisted: , and their’s a child involved, if the court awards custody to the mother. Its the man who loses his assets, pays alimony, and the taxpayer also pays the cost of raising the child As long as this remains the case, you can bet your bottom dollar, that the divorce situation won’t get better

  13. KG says:

    An item in today’s Australian:
    ‘Left may gain from Western discontent’
    (arguing that right-wing parties may struggle to garner votes.)
    The author?
    ‘Andrew Hammond is an associate at LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics and a former special adviser to the Labour government of Tony Blair.’
    The LSE is a leftard cesspit, and “former special adviser to Tony Blair” says it all.
    And the article is remarkable for the facts it leaves out. What a surprise…..

  14. KG says:

    HAHAHAHAHA! The local police spokesbot describes this as an “isolated incident”

    Like hell it is.

  15. Mathew says:

    While all the western women are gathered in a circle sipping male tears, jeering and swinging around all the balls they’ve mustered, more and more western men are finding themselves non-western women.

    I’ve noticed it a lot recently, there are a lot of white men partnered with non-white women, and you can tell that they weren’t raised in the west. I always thought it a bit odd, now it makes sense. For decades people have been brow-beaten into accepting multi-culti and all that, well looks like it’s working out real swell for the object of lefties hatred.

    I can’t fault them, white males would be so much happier committing to a non-white woman who’s not looking to hang his balls up over the fireplace, happy to have children and look after them, she can’t cook up a blast too.

    You go Lisa, keep searching for that ‘feminist’ boyfriend, look for the right phrases and views and all that, you go girlfriend. Oh and one last thing, next time you’re in bed sharing feelings with your gay, feminist boyfriend or whatever and you hear some noises downstairs, head on down sweetheart, equal opportunity and all that.

    • KG says:

      “’re in bed sharing feelings with your gay, feminist boyfriend or whatever and you hear some noises downstairs, head on down sweetheart, equal opportunity and all that.”

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Yeah, Matthew, you tell it like it is :x . I hope these feminazis feel isolated, and then when they ask why they’re alone and nobody’s interested in them, will somebody give them a piece of your mind :evil: . Its like someone demanding $50 an hour, and not getting any money. I hope when they die of old age, they have no children, and their ideas die with them :oops: .