‘This Is How You Deal With Islam’

Ann Barnhardt: “I’ve had enough of this crap”. via Francis Porretto.

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28 Responses to ‘This Is How You Deal With Islam’

  1. tranquil says:

    Good stuff!

    I see that the French government has arranged a march for Sunday. The slogan is “All United”. There is a big problem with that though. Call me picky but if I were French I would have no wish at all to be “united” with any Muslims, given that they follow the very ideology that gave rise to this atrocity.

    I don’t care how “nice” any individual Muslims might seem – their ideology is SAVAGERY. Goodness only knows we have had more than enough evidence of this in the last 1400 years.

    So, yeah – this march (and the various vigils) completely skirt around and avoid the BRUTAL TRUTH. Islam can NOT co-exist in Western countries.

    The march, vigils and tweets are even worse than that – they make people feel as if they’ve “done something”. No they haven’t.
    In two weeks or so this latest atrocity will start fading into history just like the others.
    September 11, London, Bali (twice), Madrid, Beslan, Mumbai and the countless other ones. *Nothing meaningful* will have changed. Nothing, that is, except that people will have become more timid and scared that they are now and that anti-Islam cartoons and articles will become even rarer than now.

    • Barry says:

      That’s what I too thought about “united”!

      • KG says:

        Me too. :evil: This is nothing more than a fucking government propaganda push to protect the policies which caused the problem in the first place. Bastards.
        And the depressing thing is, lots of naive fuckwits will fall for it. :evil:

  2. Ronbo says:

    Bottom Line: It’s WW III because the vast majority of Americans agree with the woman in the video – Islam is evil shit and we want it GONE!

    The only reason we can’t get at the Muslims today is because of people like Obama, but sooner or later, one way or another, the socialist reactionaries will be pushed out of our way.

    Then God have mercy on the Muslims, because we won’t :!: :evil:

  3. mistress mara says:

    The West spends billions in money and terrible loss of life to “stabilize” rotten Islamic hell-holes while, at the same time, allows the destabilizing of their own Western countries by allowing the wholesale immigration of our Islamic enemies. We know that , instead of immigrants, they come as conquerors, demanding a Third World culture with the benefit of a First World income. We are fools. Present company excluded. If our culture survives, it will one day judge our present Governments, and the general populous, very harshly.

  4. Cadwallader says:

    Clever, cutting and bloody funny! Seriously though, words won’t fix these pricks. At the time Salmon Rushdi was the subject of a fatwah Norman Mailer warned that there would be more to come…more than 20 years later the West still rests its collective head on the train tracks waiting for the train to hit. Some in the msm are suggesting the atrocities in Paris will turn the tide against the stone age scum. The majority of the msm is still refusing to blame Islam for the murders, preferring instead, terms like a “few Islamists.” The jury is out!

    • Wombat says:

      Re: them MSM. You can fool some of the people most of the time and most of the people some of the time, but when the evidence adds up and up and up then it’s only a matter of time before no amount of media hand wringing will be enough to stem the flow of anger on the streets.

      Not only that, but the internet is eroding the ability of the MSM to influence people. More and more folks every day follow breaking news through twitter hashtags and the MSM simply cannot keep up.

      Interesting times.

  5. Lara says:

    A few letters in the Herald today, defending Islam, not wanting to offend them, and basically against the cartoonitsts. Sick eh. Brainwashed lot.

  6. john says:

    “…allah is an evil sonofabitch, so he can go to hell…”
    Well said, Ann.

    • KG says:

      :grin: And she has a pink AR15.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        The AR-15 is pictured here:


        I love this part…

        Barnhardt has received death threats, most recently after the posting of her Quran-burning video on YouTube, where it has been translated into 10 languages including Arabic. “Watch your back,” a Muslim living in Britain wrote. “I’m going to kill you when I find you.”

        Barnhardt did not seek police help. She replied, “You don’t need to ‘find’ me,” then listed her address in Lonetree. “Luckily for you, there are daily direct flights from Heathrow to Denver,” she wrote, then gave detailed directions to her home. “Just do me one favor. Please wear body armor. I have some new ammunition that I want to try out.”

        • KG says:

          http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif What a woman! She’s more of a warrior than all the Western “leaders” combined. :mrgreen:

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            What I like about her, is she lays it out using the black-letter wording of their Book of Death. She has some very graphic videos online which demonstrate the outcomes of iSlamic law. One, for example, shows what female genital mutilation looks like and shows a woman whose private parts have been mutilated.

            There is no argument about what iSlam is, for it does, and what moslems are commanded to do. They are doing it. It’s only our political overlords who refuse to act on the threat. At some point, even the SSM must start calling this refusal out for what it is – cowardice and complicity.

        • Gregoryno6 says:

          I think I’m in love…

  7. D.T. says:

    Blow the lot of them away………..

  8. D.T. says:

    The muzzies are revolting in Paris…..that’s what the link is

  9. KG says:

    From D.T.’s link:

    ‘Muslim UpRising all over Paris, French run for their lives

    Looks like civil war is coming, why are the french running scared?’

    Does anybody seriously believe it would be any different in London or Sydney or Los Angeles? Let’s stop taking the piss out of Europeans – they’re holding anti-islam rallies, which is a damn sight more than can be said for the rest of us.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Agreed. But then, they’ve felt the tip of the Sword of Islam. We haven’t – yet (Sydney notwithstanding – that was merely the first tickle).

      I confess the Poms are confounding me, but then their firearms were taken decades ago and they’re long used to being sheeple (nobody queues as well as an Englishman).

      But no, it won’t be any different in Sydney or Auckland. They won’t bring out the water canon and rooftop snipers. Because these aren’t criminals, or terrorists. They’re “disaffected youth”. /spit.

  10. Mathew says:

    Three separate attacks in France, scores dead, all carried out by muslim fanatics. I read now that there’s another siege at a Jewellery store somewhere in Paris, off course the police say it’s unrelated, which they said about the other attacks too.

    boko haram just killed around 2000 villagers, mostly elderly, women and children in Nigeria, muslims blew up 40 in Yemen while all this was going on as well.

    French President Hollande: “These Fanatics Have Nothing To Do With Islam” ….. A terrible antisemitic attack was committed today in the Kosher shop. Not to be divided means we must not make any confusion concerning these terrorists and fanatics that have nothing to do with the Muslim religion.

    Oh and officers closed down a Jewish neighborhood. Nothing about anyone closing down any muslim neighborhoods though, why would they, religion of peace and all that after all.

    I read last night some terrorism expert warning that this sort of shop and cafe attack will become more common, and unfortunately it’s far too difficult for the authorities to prevent. He said they’d have to manage it somehow, which is code for reaching an acceptable number of deaths, meaning a certain number of us will be expendable.

    He is right and unfortunately that’s the way much of the western world wants it, many more of these have to happen, many more of us have to be killed before it’ll dawn upon the remaining that the police can’t keep us safe, that a sizable minority of muslims are not going to change and we have to protect ourselves.

    We in the west are currently like the sheep during the day, debating and all agreeing that vegetarianism is the new order of things, all well and fluffy, but night is coming and so is the wolf who likes his meat.

    • Ronbo says:

      As I’ve said before, the West is currently ruled by a totalitarian Leftist killer/suicide cult that worships “Rules For Radicals” – a sort updated version of the KORAN – that has the same goal – the destruction of Western Civilization.

      • Ronbo says:

        ….and always remember this my friends – “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”

        Vegetarianism, Global Warming, PETA – the entire laundry list of Leftist concerns are not about any of those issues – It’s about the destruction of Western Civilization by revolution.

        Revolution can be peaceful or violent. :shock: