N.Z. police

burning more goodwill. They’ve learned nothing. It’s not their job to act as enforcers for crony capitalists. And the comment about one passenger being raped by an Uber cab driver is a joke – how many Kiwi women have been raped by drivers for “reputable” taxi companies?

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18 Responses to N.Z. police

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    How many have been raped by Muslim taxi drivers? More than a fe
    w just in the prison wing I worked 12 years ago…

  2. Ronbo says:

    “A NZ police spokesbot said “our first priority is the safety of New Zealanders”

    Bullshit! If the KIWI Progressives were really interested in the safety of their fellow countrymen, they would declare New Zealand a “Muslim Free Zone” and end the immigration of these potential terrorists, deport all Muslims living in the country and destroy all the Mosques. :evil:

  3. Flashman says:

    “Taxi to Piha!”

    Remember that one mr plod? I bet you don’t…so obsessed are you with Kiwis’ safety.

    Oh the irony.

  4. KG says:

    And threatening with prosecution people who are merely protecting themselves against thugs ..
    (in some cases, actually prosecuting them) :evil:

  5. Pix says:

    My 18 year old daughter lives in Hamilton. I have banned her from using taxis because of the danger of getting a Somali driver. Yesterday she and her flatmates had a garage sale. Two Somalies turned up,bought something and left. All good. Within half an hour they had returned with their four friends and proceeded to get very loud and bolshy which scared away all the other buyers, leaving just my daughter (who is blonde,blue eyed and very pretty), and her friend who is also attractive although not blonde. The girls were then subjected to propositions from these creeps as though they were a couple of prostitutes. My daughter rang us and asked if dad and I could hurry over to help. We are about half an hours drive away. My husband immediately grabbed the shotgun to bring with us! We are farmers and have always had guns. Luckily, daughter rang and informed us they had left the property when the neighbours turned up to give the girls some help.
    I can only imagine what would have happened if my hubby (bless him) had turned up armed and very angry while there creeps were harrassing our daughter.
    The problem now is they know where these girls live.

    • Barry says:

      Traitorous politicians, including key, have let SOMALIS (ye gods!) come and live in NZ!

      • KG says:

        Even in Africa, Somalis are regarded as the scum of the earth. The bastards are a big problem in Oz.
        The only good Somali is one at ambient temperature.

        Pix, your hubby would have been the one arrested, not the creeps. And that’s why I’m no longer an unconditional supporter of the police.

    • dondiego says:

      That’s bad the nigroes know where two beautiful white girls live. As they showed, they’ll be back. The best plan is to get a big, black, racist dog.

      Dogs know what’s going on, and haven’t been propagandized. Seriously. At least one dog.

  6. KG says:

    Today’s NZ Herald:
    ‘A taxi driver is out of a job after allegedly being found more than three times over the new drink driving limit.’
    Just as well he wasn’t an Uber driver, eh? The passengers could have been at real risk.