Stasi Britain

There are no longer private opinions:
‘Suspended and sent for ‘equality training’ – Christian magistrate who said: ‘Adopted child needs mum and dad – not gay parents’
Richard Page, 68, was reported to the judges’ watchdog after privately telling colleagues he thought it would be better for a child to be brought up in a traditional family rather than by gay parents.
…..Because of the controversial secretive nature of such hearings, The Mail on Sunday cannot publish details of the case…’

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8 Responses to Stasi Britain

  1. Ronbo says:

    These days if you swim against the PC tide you’d better be prepared to go the whole nine yards in formerly free speech, which means to put it ALL on the line, or stay silent.

    Therefore, chose your battlefield carefully and prepare for the worst the enemy can do to you.

    Also, when called down by the Leftists for anti-PC talk/writing/video never, never, NEVER apologize :!:

    DOUBLE DOWN and really get in their ugly faces :!: These Leftist pigs hate you anyway, so show them no mercy :!: :evil:

    Of course, in many places, such as Britain, be prepared to go to prison and lose everything.

  2. KG says:

    “Of course, in many places, such as Britain, be prepared to go to prison and lose everything.”
    Yep, it’s come to that.

  3. MacDoctor says:

    the horrifying thing here is that there is compelling evidence that children do better in stable heterosexual families than stable same-sex families. So Mr Page is being castigated for stating a fact, rather than a mere opinion.

  4. Seneca III says:

    Can’t go around the UK stating fact these days, Mac. That would be Wacist, Sexist, religiousist, homoist, ‘phobist and any other sort of ‘ist’ you care to think of, unless you are honkyist, of course (that’s OK, though, honkyism, and they’ll give you a prize or a seat in the Lords quicker than you can say multiculturism, human rights or moderate Muslim).

    Insanity and Lemmingitis rule now, so goodbye cruel world.

    • Ronbo says:

      England needs a latter day Oliver “off with their heads!” Cromwell and another New Model army to sort things out in a speedy manner.

      English Civil War II and even a soon-to-be King Charles… :mrgreen:

  5. KG says:

    There’s nothing I can add to those great comments.

  6. Mathew says:

    Meanwhile no action is taken against –
    A trainee lawyer at one of the world’s biggest law firms has posted a 21-minute online rant in which he blames the Paris attacks on non-Muslim “kuffar” who “killed our people and raped and pillaged our resources”.

    JE SUIS CHARLIE…….. they shrieked….. well er… here’s the thing….