But of course, this isn’t “hate speech”…..

‘Israeli Deaths Glorified at London School of Economics on Holocaust Memorial Day’
It’s even worse than the headline suggests.
This, in a country where somebody was threatened by the police for putting a golliwog doll in their window!

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4 Responses to But of course, this isn’t “hate speech”…..

  1. Wombat says:

    We need never wonder why the police prosecute white activists at the drop of a hat and cut a wide path around minorities.

    It’s not cowardice or sensitivity as they’d have you believe.

    The new world order is deliberately blending the west in order to more effectively take advantage of a divide and conquer strategy.

    They will radically empower minorities and over-police everyone else until the stakes are so even that we must constantly quarrel at a suburban level, never seeing past our own noses.

    • KG says:

      It’s already happening, isn’t it?

      • Wombat says:

        Meanwhile the MSM marginalises movements like PEGIDA and the EDL, who mostly consist of working class citizens typically too busy with work and family to attend protests but who now see that soon they will have no work and their children will have no future.

        Equally they trumpet the anti-EDL/PEGIDA protests, typically consisting of students on welfare with nothing better to do than look politically trendy at the latest left wing street party.

        Remember when the news was delivered by a boring man in a suit with a monotone voice? We never gave thought to how important that lack of ingrained bias was.
        Now, even though the words may remain the same they are spoken by any number of prettied up dolls who alternate from shrill contempt for conservatism to barely shrouded sluttery for progressivism.

        The result is subliminal but highly effective. When conservatism is mentioned we hear the voice of the girlfriend who’s pissed off because we forgot her birthday and who’s not going to be fucking us for a week.
        When progressivism is mentioned we hear the voice of the girlfriend who got the gift and who’s waiting for us in the bedroom.

        And many of us, like well trained dogs, don’t listen to the words. but are tuned in to the tone. :x

  2. Mathew says:

    Perhaps one day when the suicide trucks are being driven down their country lanes they’ll wonder why they didn’t support that small tiny nation fending off hate from every side and border crossing.

    Those that are too stupid to learn from others mistakes will have to endure them.