Open house

potd-leopard_3187668kleopard cub with a bottle of frozen water.

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35 Responses to Open house

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      “…may their deaths not be in vain.” unlikely in the current leftist/PC/apologist atmosphere KG. More’s the pity!!!!!

      When will the righteous arise and avenge the helpless? Ronbo?

      • Ronbo says:

        When (as the article states) the governments of the West and their Media Organs start telling the truth about Islam.

        I’ve always said President Bush should have done this after 911, as well as asking Congress for a declaration of war against radical Islam.

        I’m an old Cold Warrior and part of the reason the West defeated communism is that we attacked their “Bridge Too Far” in places like Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan (along with a massive military build up in the 1980s) AND ruthlessly and for decades SLICED AND DICED the “religion” of communism.

        You defeat an idea with a better idea – and Islam can be easily sliced and diced by any of us Crusaders posting here, and more so by the experts at the blacks arts of propaganda in the Pentagon.

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    There has been a storm about the New Lynn sculpture with the ?artist? saying it is clouds and everyone else screaming “It’s a cock and balls!” If the ?artist? sees only clouds, he/she/it needs a major education refit.

    No doubt Mr Brown will be pleased at the $200,00 expenditure. AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!

    • mawm says:

      The Greeks have Merkel by the short and curlies. The threat of leaving the Euro will allow them to default on their debt. If she says nein, or even probably, yes, watch Italy and the rest follow. The German voters are not going to be impressed.

      • KG says:

        Interesting times in Europe….perhaps Italy, Portugal and Greece will form a southern bloc.
        I don’t even want to think about Merkel’s short and curlies.

    • Ronbo says:

      In terms of WW II, Russia is where Germany was in 1938 with the rape of Austria…

      Act II will be the Russian re-occupation of the Baltic states. In WW II terms this would be the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia coming after the Munich sellout.

      I have no doubt that the West will do the same thing again in regards to Baltic states – in order to avoid WW III in this case.

      In my mind I see Obama coming back to Washington, D.C. on Air Force One waving a piece of paper in the air and talking about peace in our time.

      • Wombat says:

        Personally if NATO wanted to install a puppet regime in my backyard and start parking its short range missile systems there, I’d take steps to tell them to fuck off like Putin is doing.

        You know Putin is the lesser of two evils here because the MSM paints him as the devil.

        Russiaphobes need to wake up and get with the times. Putin is demonstrably anti-globalist, which is why he’s been tossed into the NWO propaganda machine and turned into “the next Hitler.”

  2. KG says:

    “In my mind I see Obama coming back to Washington, D.C. on Air Force One waving a piece of paper in the air and talking about peace in our time.”
    Not at all unlikely, is it?
    Unlike idiot Dem voters, the rest of the world knows a weak, spineless, vacillating imposter when it sees one.

  3. KG says:

    A damn good question. Especially since one of those rounds killed a hostage:
    ‘Sydney siege: Experts ask why police fired 27 rounds during Lindt Cafe hostage incident’

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Cowboys. They all wanted a shot.

      One decent marksman could have ended it much earlier.

        • Oswald Bastable says:

          No bloody discipline. These operations should be left to the military. The cops can stick to what they do best- investigations after the fact- although after all of the retrials here…

          • rivoniaboy says:

            I agree OB a single good military sniper would have ended the drama quick smart.

            • Darin says:

              Agreed,leave the cops to writing speeding tickets and eating donuts.

              When you need a Commando,don’t send a boy scout.

    • Wombat says:

      For the same reason they riddled that kid in the London Underground.

      The one-shot one-kill mantra is a myth. A shitty defective projectile can ruin even a master sniper’s day, and when you’re dealing with someone who may have access to an explosive detonator then you don’t take any chances.

      Anyone here going to tell me that on a police training budget they’d be capable of taking him out “surgically”?

      As for the opinion that the military should be sent in, I completely agree. Of course, how fast can you get the nearest A-Team on site?

      • Wombat says:

        Terrorism expert at the Australian National University and former army officer Clive Williams said the army’s Tactical Assault Group members were trained to allocate two rounds per hostage taker and that’s it.

        Sure. When dealing with multiple targets it makes a lot of sense. But walking in and “double-tapping” a single target is Hollywood bullshit. Especially if they may have a detonator in hand. If not then why bother sending more than one guy into the fucking room?

        Professor Williams agreed that not using snipers was the correct call but he believes that authorities should have tried harder to talk Monis down.

        News flash, genius. The bastard started to nod off and then began executing hostages.

        A quick check on wikipedia reveals that Mr Williams is indeed a medal winning Vietnam veteran but there are no further details. His career is described as being in “Intelligence”.

        Former bad-ass or armchair expert? Worse yet, has he gone terrorist sympathizer?

  4. andy5759 says:

    Poundland are buying 99p Stores. They have reassured 99p workers that there will be no change. Look mate, I read the financial news and that stuck out. He he.

  5. Darin says:

    Speaking of Hostage rescue,documentary on The Entebbe raid-

  6. mawm says:

    Obama arming Hezbollah! And I call bullshit on it being only US$25 million. This is in addition to the 1 billion dollars in the last 8 years.

    ….included 70 M198 Howitzer artillery units, along with 26 million rounds of ammunition, ……..the “American Ambassador David Hale presided over the delivery of $25 million in assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces.”

    This shithead doesn’t even try to hide his hatred for Israel……..and soooo many Jews still support him?

  7. KG says:

    Dad protests Islamic lessons at school
    A history book used in school districts across the state is sparking controversy in Seminole County.
    ..Ron Wagner read from part of his son’s world history book, “There is no god, but God. Muhamad is the messenger of God.”
    …”Students were instructed to recite this prayer as the first Pillar of Islam, off of the board at the teacher’s instruction,” Wagner claims. 
    Wagner, who is not religious, said he had no idea the public school was teaching so extensively about religion until he spotted a text on his son’s phone from a teacher reminding him to complete a prayer rug assignment and study an Islam packet…’

    • Darin says:

      When they can accurately predict what outfit a woman wants to wear to dinner I will waste time on Quantum mechanics,until then it’s just mental masturbation for egg heads :mrgreen: