They are invaders, not “migrants”.

‘1000 migrants on way to Italy at risk of drowning
At least 1000 migrants in difficulty being rescued by Italy’s coast guard in the third operation of its kind in as many days..’

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11 Responses to They are invaders, not “migrants”.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Make the bastards swim. If they all drown, it’s be a bloody good start, and a message to the other invaders.

    Fuck ’em. If they die, goats and European women will be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

    • Seneca III says:

      Fairly well put, Gantt, but please don’t forget the poor bloody donkeys they shag when they aren’t quick enough to snag a goat or a young camel nor anything else helpless to resist them on this benighted planet.

      Anything will do for these inbred reverse evolutionists. All life, whether it walks, slivers, crawls or runs, nothing is safe from the rape, beheading, crucifiction, beheading and immolation joys of the Religion of Peace.

      At the end of the day I would suspect that even Goldfish will not be safe once they have sexually abused and exterminated every other form of life other than bacon producers.

      There is really no future at all for all earthly species should these abominations triumph. It doesn’t take a bloody great asteroid swinging in from outer space to finish us off, we have one and a half billion little asteroids doing it one tiny bit at a time. :evil:

  2. PC says:

    This makes me sad. Very sad. That such an opportunity for a bit of naval target practice was squandered. This is Poland by stealth.

  3. Odakyu-sen says:

    But but but!
    Italy has a birthrate of only 1.33 children per woman. Some Italians claim their country is dying…

    Well then, these “migrants” are sure to finish the job.

    • Ronbo says:

      I think if you check the birthrates of all the Western nations except for America and Israel have fallen below the replacement level. In the modern era children are expensive and only in those countries where large numbers of religious people – like conservative Christians in America and conservative Jews in Israel – are the birthrates above 2.0, which is the replacement level.

      BTW, pathetic as Italy’s birthrate is – it’s above that of Iran – and many other Muslim countries. It would appear when Muslim women can read the instructions on a bottle of birth control pills they become regular users.

      • mawm says:

        In the modern era children are expensive

        Especially when it it all the kids of the work-shy that one is supporting.

  4. Wombat says:

    I suspect that in a hundred years their children’s children we’ll have driven the problem back into the deserts, bemoaning the stupidity of their ancestors for ever letting those pricks get a foothold in the first place.

  5. Ronbo says:

    At least when the Vandals were sailing from Africa to invade Rome in the 5th century A.D., the Roman navy didn’t try to rescue them when the sea got stormy.

  6. KG says:

    It’s insanity. Does anybody in the Italian government really believe these people will somehow, magically become Italians?
    Birthrates too low in the West? Embark on a program of imperial conquest and take all the oils and minerals they need from Africa and the M.E. Then use the cash they would have spent buying those things at the market price to drop taxes in their own country, thus making it affordable for people to have families again.
    In any case, this drive to import cheap labour comes from governments and their cronies in business and will not be stopped by public resistance. (resistance short of revolution, that is…)

  7. Brown says:

    Iran’s low birthrate is not for the same reason the west is suffering (self indulgence). Iran’s women see no future for their kids (under Islam probably) so they have closed their legs.

    • Wombat says:

      I’m not under the impression that women in Islamic states have much of a say in those matters.