Scumbag shows true colours:

‘Obama Refused to Assist Jordan, Egypt With Information on ISIS Targets

Oliver North told Greta Van Susteren tonight that the Egyptian government asked the US for information on ISIS targets in Libya yesterday after ISIS beheaded 21 Christians. But, the Obama Administration refused the request. The Obama administration also refused to give Jordan information on ISIS targets in Syria after their pilot was burned alive in a cage. “President El Sisi asked for American intelligence targeting intelligence before today’s strikes and didn’t get it.
….The Kurds are begging for arms and ammo from the United States, not one bullet has been delivered by the United States.”….’
‘A Boston-based hub of terrorism associated with a top Islamic State propagandist and producer of hostage-beheading videos will receive the red carpet treatment at an anti-terrorism conference at the Obama White House this Wednesday..’

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28 Responses to Scumbag shows true colours:

  1. mawm says:

    Shocking ………. the way he is allowed to get away with it by the Press, Congress and the ill-informed voters. The boy-king is in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood and he has to do what they want. Helping El Sisi isn’t high on their list.

    I wonder if Egypt used those planes and the ordinance Barry was so keen to give to Morsi. Karma.

    • KG says:

      I shudder to think this evil clown still has two more years in office, Mawm. Him and the Valerie Jarret creature, that is.

      • john says:

        KG, don’t you just warm to him when he starts into his calling people “folks” schtick?
        Did he pick that up at How to Impersonate a Human Being class?
        Personally, I’d be keeping a close eye on his little finger. :mrgreen:

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    So, someone tell me again how it is the Light Bringer has given Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Turkey to Sunni terrorists, is in the process of giving Shi’ite terrorists in Tehran The Bomb, gave Egypt to the moslem brotherhood (Sunni terrorists), Afghanistan to Sunni terrorists – effectively dividing up the M.E. between the two factions, in order to destroy Israel and, ultimately, the USA, and yet … not one single word from the SSM.

    He threw a tantrum when Egypt chucked the moslem brotherhood, he won’t give the Kurds, Jordan or Egypt either intelligence or ammunition, and he’s doing his best to ensure Israel is gone by lunch-time.

    Tell me again how he’s anything other than a good moslem? Perhaps even the 12th imam?

    • mawm says:

      He is having another hissy-fit about Bibi coming to address Congress – and now won’t pass on information to Israel about the “negotiations” with Iran. And Jews still support him!!!

      What I really enjoyed is how Merkel, Holland, Putin and the Ukranian president cut him out of the peace deal they negotiated. Meanwhile the NYT is fervently hoping that the deal will fail!

  3. KG says:

    “Tell me again how he’s anything other than a good moslem? Perhaps even the 12th imam?”
    Anyone with a couple of functioning brain cells knows the answer to that.

  4. Wombat says:

    From 9/11 onward the script has called for perpetual chaos to beget a perpetual police state and perpetual war.

    This is not an Obama thing. Most everyone here recognises that he’s just a pathetic puppet but when “he” does or says something inflammatory everyone directs their rage at him.

    Well, that’s what he’s there for. He’s a lightning rod for impotent rage, because we can all pretend that in two years a RINO will fix everything, or at least we’ll get a Dem who’s not as bad as the current one.

    It’s all a sham. Everything coming out of the whitehouse is decided by big-league players behind the scenes. Everything.


    Let’s cease to pretend that he’s the antichrist. He’s just another dickhead in a suit, in a long line of dickheads in suits.

  5. Brown says:

    So, who is running the show?

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    It still baffles me how this unserious dilettante got elected twice, even in the face of such weak opposition. He is clearly opposed to everything on which America was founded.

    • KG says:

      I don’t think it signifies much yet. We shall see….

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        It doesn’t mean shit until they win the SCOTUS lottery.

      • Darin says:

        The suit will work it’s way to the SCOTUS which has been itching for a 10th amendment fight.There is a chance they could send Obama packing.
        Either way I doubt the 26 states involved in the lawsuit will just give up even if the SCOTUS rules against them.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          “There is a chance they could send Obama packing”

          Which is the whole point. It’s a crapshoot, just like it was with ObamaCare. Neither are constitutionally-permissable on any black-letter reading of the Constitution, yet John Roberts sided with the communists on the Court on O-Care, and could easily do so again.

          Like KG said, in a just world, this POS and its “wife” would both be lying in a cot in Kenya, bleeding out from every orifice.

    • KG says:

      He’s a brave man. What’s needed, though, is millions more like him. Right now, he’s just a target.