‘From Internet to Obamanet

The permissionless Internet, which allows anyone to introduce a website, app or device without government review, ends this week. On Thursday the three Democrats among the five commissioners on the Federal Communications Commission will vote to regulate the Internet under rules written for monopoly utilities.
This week Mr. Obama’s bureaucrats will give him the regulated Internet he demands. Unless Congress or the courts block Obamanet, it will be the end of the Internet as we know it.’
UPDATE:    Jail this arrogant bastard!

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38 Responses to ‘From Internet to Obamanet

  1. GW says:

    Americans fought a revolution to stop people they didn’t elect from enacting legislation applicable to Americans. This was so important that, in drafting the Constitution, the Founders said, in Article 1 Section 1, that ALL legislative power shall reside in Congress. Yet here we are, near 250 years on, and we have unelected bureaucrats enacting regulations with the full force and effect of legislation, except that the regulations have never been voted on by the elected representatives of the nation. It is a true fucking travesty. It is the single greatest systemic problem facing this nation, as the left is using regulation to work truly fundamental changes to our nation that could never pass Congress.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Well, you can’t very well have a dictatorship with a free Internet where people like us can speak our minds on a national and planetary basis, now can you :?: :evil:

    So the free Internet goes down the tubes on Thursday – the latest power grab by the wanna-be-Stalin, Barack “The Magic Negro” Obama. In his dishonor, we patriots are already calling the Internet, “The Obamanet.”

    The FCC vote is a done deal, three Democrats and two Republicans, means the vote goes to His Imperial Majesty Barack I.

    What does this mean :?: Well for one thing you’ll need a license from the FCC to own a website, so I guess my little blog will bit the dust soon, as I will refuse to beg the government for my freedom of speech, which is not theirs to license. The speeds in the USA will go slower. Technical advances will slow or come to an end. The model for this regulation is Europe – and we all know how wonderfully well the European Union has guarded the freedom of speech.

    Of course, our House of Representatives, which is allegedly under the control of the opposition, could stop this advance into tyranny by simply refusing to fund the FCC, but alas :!: The Republican leadership in the House is under the control of the Obama Regime by way of the RINO traitors.

    The lights are going off in the Homeland of the Free World one at time. Under the U.S. Constitution Obama must step down on January 20, 2017 – but will he :?: Why should he :?: Obamacare was his First Blood and nothing effective was done to stop it :!: Now Obama has seized control of the Free Internet – and there is no discussion in the Republican Party on how to stop him. It’s a done deal. Another successful putsch against liberty by Obama :!: I will make another easy prediction: NOTHING WILL BE DONE :!:

    Therefore, why should Obama step down in 2017 :?: He has ignored the supreme law of the land countless times and got away with it, why should the 22nd Amendment stop him from being President-For-Life :?: If what has happened the last six years is any indication there will be voices raised in protest and maybe some angry letters to the editor, maybe an outraged demonstration or two, but will anything effective done like starting the American Revolution 2.0 and shooting the traitors :?:

    I doubt it. No wonder the suicide rate in America is at record levels :!: No wonder Americans in record numbers are renouncing their citizenship. This last move is useless because once liberty is lost here there is no “America 2.0” ….

    Can you say, “New Dark Ages :?:

    Like the man said, “The buck ends here.” :sad:

  3. KG says:

    The lights are going off in the Homeland of the Free World one at time.
    Yes, they are, Ronbo.
    No Republican who doesn’t swear to overturn this if elected should get a single vote from any true patriot.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    More and more, I agree with Mark Levin. An Article V Convention of the States is the last pre-revolutionary hope for the American people. Absent a Convention of the States, a kinetic solution is the only option.

    • Ronbo says:

      I think a bloody revolution is America’s only hope :!:

      Always remember Obama did not create the Progressive Movement – they created him. If it suits The Ruling Class purpose for him to be President-For-Life – they will make that happen in 2017. If they don’t think Obummer fills the bill anymore, they will give him an award and kick him to the curb

      Also, remember the two Presidents-In-Waiting, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are so much alike, they should be on the same ticket. So no matter how the presidential election goes they win. :evil:

      The political game is rigged :!: We The People cannot win that contest.

      …and not only the political game – The Ruling Class Progressives have rigged just about EVERY game in town – the major institutions, Wall Street, the churches, academia, etc. are owned by the Left.

      The only hope for the survival of freedom in the United States is a very bloody revolution and a purge of Progressives from all positions of authority – We are talking here of upwards of three million very dangerous people.

      …not only must the head be cut off the snake, the creature must be sliced and diced. :evil:

  5. KG says:

    “The only hope for the survival of freedom in the United States is a very bloody revolution and a purge of Progressives from all positions of authority – We are talking here of upwards of three million very dangerous people.”
    A-BLOODY-MEN! “Blut und Eisen”.

    • Wombat says:

      I disagree.

      I think the USA has no future of any kind at all. It’s buried in levels of debt that cannot be repaid in it’s wildest dreams.

      The only chance the people of the USA have at freedom is to have their states secede from the union.

      The USA is dead. What we have now is an open casket funeral. The burial awaits.

      • KG says:

        America, as somebody once said, is an idea, not merely a country and a society and a banking/financial system. It will take more than the current crop of scumbags to destroy her.
        Mere debt cannot destroy America, only people giving up on liberty can do it.

        • The Gantt Guy says:


          It’s only a matter of time before the US defaults on its debt obligations. When that happens, the entire global economy collapses. The US will survive, and may well come out of the ensuing chaos stronger than when it went in.

          • KG says:

            http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif My thoughts too, Gantt.

            • Darin says:

              It’s not the US you guys should worry about,we’ll be fine,it’s all the stuff that will happen while we are out sick that you should worry about.Under Obama we have pulled back from the world stage and already look at what has happened.Isis,The Reds on a romp and Iran going nuke is just the prelude.We haven’t seen anything yet.

              $18T is nothing but a bump in the road,IF American enterprise was ever again unleashed I have no doubts that we could re-light the boilers of free enterprise and drive out of the debt.It can be done,but our leadership must change.

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                It’s not the $18T you guys need to worry about, it’s the unfunded $120T.

                And yes, absent the US, the world is a dark place.

              • mawm says:

                I worry that America will not be able to ‘relight the boilers’. There are no workers anymore; they have become welfare recipients and it’s a lot easier than putting in 8 hours of hard work.

                • KG says:

                  True. And becoming true all over the West.

                • Wombat says:

                  Perhaps I should be more specific. I was referring to the 52 states under federal jurisdiction. The stars and stripes. The US dollar.

                  The American spirit will not disappear, but when the petrodollar disappears and 100+million Americans find themselves out of work in the middle of a metropolis then the America we knew will be a thing of the past.

                • Wombat says:

                  Or in the words of Western Rifle Shooters masthead:
                  “America will survive the ‘united states’.” – Some Domestic Terrorist & Non-Recycler

  6. Robert says:

    It took them 100 years. Step by step.

    “Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921 and leader of the Progressive Movement. A Southerner with a PhD in political science, he served as President of Princeton University from 1902 to 1910. He was Governor of New Jersey from 1911 to 1913, and led his Democratic Party to win control of both the White House and Congress in 1912.

    Wilson induced a Democratic Congress to pass a progressive legislative agenda, unparalleled until the New Deal in 1933.[1] This included the FEDERAL RESERVE Act, Federal Trade Commission Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Federal Farm Loan Act and an and a small income tax. Wilson also averted a railroad strike and an ensuing economic crisis through passage of the Adamson Act, imposing an 8-hour workday for railroads.[2] At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Wilson maintained a policy of neutrality. However he took a much more aggressive policy in dealing with Mexico’s civil war.

    Narrowly re-elected in 1916 around the slogan “He kept us out of war”, Wilson’s second term was dominated by American entry into World War I. ”



  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    I just finished watching Sons of Liberty, the 3-part historical drama from the History Channel. I wonder what Messrs Adams, Washington et. al. would have made of what has been done to the nation they fought to create.

    • Wombat says:

      Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
      Hatespeech? First ammendment “zones”? Butchered.

      Right to keep and bear arms in order to maintain a well regulated militia.
      Cannot own and operate what the standard infantryman does? Butchered.

      No quartering of soldiers.
      Bases everywhere? Eminent domain? Butchered.

      Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures.
      Give me a fucking break. Butchered.

      Right to due process of law, freedom from self-incrimination, double jeopardy.
      AKA you have the right to be fucked by a federal prosecutor+judge. Butchered.

      Rights of accused persons, e.g., right to a speedy and public trial.
      Indefinite incarceration without trial for “national security”. Butchered.

      Right of trial by jury in civil cases.
      See above. Butchered.

      Freedom from excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishments.
      See above. Butchered

      Other rights of the people.
      Not real relevant while we’re so busy ignoring the rest.

      Powers reserved to the states.
      Invalidated by interstate commerce clause, says Supreme Court. Butchered.

      Anyone want to get started on the rest of the constitution?

      • KG says:

        It could be restored. By Revolution 2.0.
        Australia, Britain, New Zealand and a whole lot of other Western countries have nothing like the same document, the same (now largely theoretical) safeguards, yet nobody is saying that all of them are finished.
        America crippled still has more liberties than I enjoy where I sit right now.

        • Ronbo says:

          BTW, KG, I know people here in Washington state who are thinking seriously about fleeing to New Zealand, because they think it’s a free country.

          Of course, they aren’t aware that the freedom of speech is not an item in your constitution and that what civil rights the Kiwis have is granted by the politicians who form the Government (Capital “G” government, think Big Brother)

          New Zealand has a parliamentary form of government where in theory the majority could decided to execute all politically incorrect Americans from Washington state in the country.

          When I brief my friends on this sad fact they often say, “Well, what about Australia :?: The Aussies would never shoot Americans – they too mellow and friendly. ” :sad:

          • Darin says:

            Ron,I know of several idiots who have bought property in Ecuador thinking the same irrational thoughts.Socialist,run by Marxist cronies f–king Ecuador.And they use the Dollar down there as their currency :shock:

            That shows us just how clueless people are,even “conservatives” :shock: :shock:

        • Wombat says:

          It depends on the state, and ultimately the laws are irrelevant.
          You could be living in Hicksville, Idaho. If the FBI gets an “anonymous tipoff”, kicks in your door at two AM and then shoots you 10 times as you reach for your gun thinking (ironically correctly) that your home is being invaded then your rights don’t mean squat.

          Maybe you survive and they find (as they always miraculously seem to) a small quantity of illegal substances. Raid justified.

          Maybe they find nothing.

          What then? You waste your life trying to get justice while they spend thousands of dollars sending lawyers and detectives to crawl up your ass with a microscope? And with hundreds of thousands of regulations on the books that never saw a day in congress you can be sure they’re going to find something.

          I used to believe otherwise, but America is NOT more free than NZ or OZ, since our police state actually has to make ends meet, more or less, while the USFEDGOV monster just keeps printing more cash and building more MRAPS.

  8. KG says:

    Plan Could Lead to UN Takeover of Internet…
    Commisioner: ‘Independence of agency has been compromised’…


    • Darin says:

      Heh,that was my main objection to the Patriot act-what happens when the libs take office???

      What goes around comes around and yes Virginia payback is a bitch.

  9. KG says:

    Propaganda from AP, dutifully regurgitated in the NZ media. What a surprise!

    The truly frightening thing is that these are overwhelmingly the sources which shape people’s view of the world. :shock:

  10. Ronbo says:

    What a week this has been :!:

    1. Obama has legalized 5 million illegal aliens AND given them tax return cash for the last four years (whether or not they had a job in this country) that will total $35,000 per head.

    2. Obama has seized control of the Internet.

    3. Obama has banned the most popular rifle ammunition in the country, the 5.56mm for the Colt AR-15.

    ….and it’s only THURSDAY :!: :shock:

    …and 24 months remain in his term of office. :shock: