Open house

Whatever takes yer fancy. Sound off.

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53 Responses to Open house

  1. Cadwallader says:

    As I read the ongoing flow of nonsense from the Left it occurs that all their objections whether it be about AGW, fracking, GMO foods, “peak oil,” TPPA, anti-vaccination, powers of big business etc…(yawn)….have a common theme: FEAR! The objections are all pinioned on what might happen, could happen, possibly occur… Superstition and envious resentment reigns.
    With the advent of the Internet a second Enlightment was at hand, perhaps still is, but in recent years there has been an apparent rise in anti-science, anti-reason and an inability to conceptualize. It is as though the Left see knowledge and refined thought as its enemy and by definition it has to be.
    Reason and logic have created morality. It is no longer seen as moral or correct to sacrifice a goat or a virgin to ensure that the crops won’t fail. Yet, we are told to shun GMO foods as they MAY cause childhood obesity and a raft of other 21st century afflictions. There is no science to support this non-thought, yet the msm peddle it with glee to a gullible public.
    In the 1990s a couple of US university students set-up a bogus UFO sighting with the tricks of the 1950s. They maintained the stunt for a week or so and then, as planned, divulged the truth. Those who had blindly accepted the bogus sighting refused to accept the truth and rather than doing so concocted the idea that the 2 tricksters had been abducted by aliens and programmed to say it was bogus. Now, if we apply this trick to the assertion of man-made climate change and then, as Redbaiter has tried today, expose it as garbage, we’ll never dissuade many that it was a rort. I am not meaning solely those with $$$$ at stake either.
    A rejection of reason and logic opens a void for non-thinking and a growth in superstition…the ME is an incubator for precisely this.
    A bit of a rave, I know!

    • Wombat says:

      This is where the idea of the “left” minces across anti-authoritarianism where it crosses to the “right” where it minces across to authoritarianism and back to the so-called “left”.

      It’s precisely why I hate the terms “left” and “right”, because no two people can remotely agree on what one or the other consists of.

      If I were railing against crony capitalism, which is to say the government giving a firm advantage to corporations over small businesses, would I be on the left or the right?


      These terms all have a foundation that’s difficult to misconstrue.

      Left and right? Not so much.

      • GW says:

        The terms we use are anachronistic. Was talking to someone about this the other day (actually throwing things at their head) after they commented that free speech was a value associated with the left. A much better scale to use would be one starting at anarchy and going through slavery for politics, and one starting at true free market capitalism and going through communist control of the means of production at the other end.

        • Cadwallader says:

          The term is not ideal I accept. I know the Libertarians can mount an argument that they are not present on the Left v Right arc at all, however I place them one step back from anarchy…in other words they can tolerate a small non-pervasive government which would provide defence and policing but nothing more. At this site the terms are used (certainly by me) for convenience and I suspect most visitors here can form a picture from their respective usage?

          • Wombat says:

            Yeah, most of us get the gist of it, but it’s still become one of the most effective “divide and conquer” strategies for the MSM and their handlers.

            With “left and right” you can pit people against each other who fundamentally agree on a great many issues.

            Folks on the “left” might believe forced vaccination is wrong because the vaccines are dangerous, or at best debilitating.
            Folks on the right might simply despise the removal of free choice.

            But you make it a left-vs-right issue and you can just about cancel out all dissent on the issue.

            See, folks might call me right wing, but I despise crony capitalism which is the black sun at the center of the modern right’s solar system.

            But sure as hell I ain’t left.

            Many here would agree. So why operate in a paradigm where so few of us actually have a horse in the race?

            • Cadwallader says:

              There is an invisible thread to certain thinking no matter what label you choose. For instance those who suspect that GMO foods oughtn’t be eaten on safety grounds are likely to eschew vaccination. There is a credible survey depicting the prevalence of anti-vaccine types in suburbs where Whole Foods Stores have been elected to operate. In other words gullibility tends, like water, to flow at its natural level.

  2. KG says:

    “A rejection of reason and logic opens a void for non-thinking and a growth in superstition…the ME is an incubator for precisely this.”
    Yes indeed. And since leftists are emotion-driven, not reason-driven they’re both the promoters and the victims of this idiot mindset.

  3. Oswald BAstable says:

    “Those who had blindly accepted the bogus sighting refused to accept the truth and rather than doing so concocted the idea that the 2 tricksters had been abducted by aliens and programmed to say it was bogus…”

    Just like Scientology!

    • Cadwallader says:

      At times like now it is easy to mourn Carl Sagan; it was he who described the UFO incident I wrote about earlier.

      I am presently reading “The Moral Arc” by Michael Shermer in anticipation of attending the Skeptics Conference at Caltech in late May. I have admired his thinking for a long time and this year he will share the podium with Richard Dawkins so it is definitely the time to go.

      • KG says:

        For all his self-regard, I rather doubt Dawkins is quite the towering intellect he thinks he is, Cad.
        He’s been banging the same tired atheist drum forever, despite being comprehensively debunked time and time again. What he regards as atheism is simply another form of faith.

        • Cadwallader says:

          This may be true but one of the best scientific reads I have found is his “The Selfish Gene.” For a layman like me I regard him as an excellent teacher.

          • KG says:

            A book I enjoyed very much. It’s when he strays into theology I take issue.

            • Wombat says:

              As with so many things, there is a marginal number of people who feel the strange need to aggravate this group or that for no other reason than to indulge in some kind of ego trip.

              The vast majority of believers and non-believers are quite happy to live and let live.

              Neither can prove the other wrong. What’s the point of trying?

  4. KG says:

    EPA Chief Unable to Justify Money Grab
    ‘At a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, Senator Jeff Sessions grilled EPA chief Gina McCarthy and left her unable to justify her money grab, showing that she could not explain whether climate change models were correct or not.
    SESSIONS: All right. Carbon pollution is CO2, and that’s really not a pollutant; that’s a plant food, and it doesn’t harm anybody except that it might include temperature increases. Let me ask you one more time: Are you asserting, just give me this answer; if you take the average of the models predicting how fast the temperature would increase, is the temperature in fact increasing less than that or more than that?
    McCARTHY: I cannot answer that question specifically.
    SESSIONS: Mr. Chairman, I would just say, this is a stunning development, that the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, who should know more than anybody else in the world, who’s proposing hundreds of billions of dollars in costs to prevent this climate and temperature increases, doesn’t know whether their projections have been right or wrong.’

  5. Redbaiter says:

    I started reading this article about kids going along to a training session with the South African cricket team. Where they also get a lecture in avoiding HIV. Then I read that the kids are only 13 years old. Then I read further and discover that even though it is a cricket training session, 9 out of the 17 kids there were girls.

    Feminism is a subversive cult and its intent is white genocide. Even when 99% of its proponents wouldn’t even know that.

    By 202o white European kids will be in the minority in parts of the US. Other cultures are out-breeding us by light years because our women are fucking around playing cricket and being “successful” at real estate because being a mother and having kids is for retards.

    The intent is so plain. When you see England during the second world war and compare that with what it is today, the collapse of our culture is so stark. Yet even when the degeneration is so plain, we can’t seem to stop it.

    We have no right at all to be disparaging towards lemmings.

    • Wombat says:

      Winning the breeding war is all good and well until either your production base craps out on you or a technologically superior force crushes you like insects.

      Right or wrong, we were once that force.

      Two (or three or four) populations may compete in the same AO by attempting to outbreed each other but in reality this is only an abstract of modern “race-to the bottom” democracy.

      For the short term the only reasonable solution I can see is secession. Those who want conservative values upheld have no other choice beyond sheer winner-takes-all violence.

  6. GW says:

    When we talk about the left and their lack of touch with reality, that is horribly true. A WSJ article today said that Obama stopped all analysis of the intel we collected from the bin Laden raid because it resulted in findings conflicting with his political memes. It is insane and treachery, but par for the course for an Obama administration that is putting us in a national security hole we might not be able to crawl out of.

    • Darin says:

      Good post,announcing the Bin Laden raid the day after also threw away any operational advantage we had as well.Our enemy knew that we knew the day after and immediately changed tactics which rendered any recent itel useless.They could have waited a couple weeks while special forces pulled loose threads and seen what unraveled.

  7. Odakyu-sen says:

    Good afternoon Gentlemen,

    I’ve been poking around the “After 1900” section of

    Here’s a nugget:
    “What was/is a difference is that a German engineer wears a suit and is called Herr Doktor and a British engineer wears overalls and is called Alf. German engineers rise to manage the boards of their companies. British engineers rise to make the tea for the drones who manage the boards of their companies.”

    Discussion, anyone?

    • Wombat says:

      There are certainly cultural differences.

      Yet Britain had an empire. The truth of the matter is that the vast majority of the west has been bastardized beyond any kind of measurable difference from one nation to the next.

      • KG says:

        The difference, Odakyu-sen is merely one of terminology. A graduate Brit engineer doesn’t wear overalls and is seldom called Alf. :lol:
        In Australia and NZ almost any shop that forms metal is known as an “engineering shop” even though what they do is mostly simple fabrication and welding. And their owners and employees describe themselves often as engineers. In Germany the term has a more specific meaning.

    • Wombat says:

      Now there’s an interesting thing that keeps popping up.

      It seems every patriot/militia/survivalist and his dog keeps bitching about the humble 5.56 round and it’s piddly performance, but you look at the specialist crews who have a free hand to carry around whatever suits them best and, lo and behold, they all seem to be carrying M4s.

    • Wombat says:

      A decade or two ago you’d have thought that this was a parody article.

      “The plans would impose the same prison sentences for the killing, torture or “kidnapping” of dolphins, whales, apes and elephants as would occur for equivalent crimes committed against humans. “

      Bad day to be a zoo employee. :roll:

      Still. It paints a pretty terrifying picture, both of what a world in their control would look like and the fact that they can get more support than UKIP. :sad:

  8. mistress mara says:

    I am reading “I Am Pilgrim.” Terry Hayes. I read many thrillers and am fussy and have to say this book is bloody good. A very interesting debut and totally current. Worth looking up.

  9. Ronbo says:

    @Wombat: If the shit ever hits the fan in Occupied America and an insurrection FINALLY breaks out, the patriots will have plenty of 5.56 mm ammunition, tanks, armored personnel carriers, aircraft and so forth.

    “Where :?: ” you may ask. In all states….NATIONAL GUARD AND ARMY RESERVE ARMORIES :!: People forget, but two-thirds of the Armed Forces are Guardsmen or Reservists, the citizen-soldiers who live in our neighborhoods and have the keys in their bedroom drawers to all kinds of juicy military goodies: trucks, tanks, planes, helicopters and so forth. :mrgreen: TONS OF AMMUNITIONS :!: 155 mm CANNONS :!: BARRETT SNIPER RIFLES BY THE WHOLESALE LOT :mrgreen:

    This is not to mention the over one billion handgun and rifles privately owned by patriotic people. who in many cases are veterans, and know that if their governor decides to go over to the Obama Regime, his private gun will get him a better free government gun, and so much additional military hardware from that National Guard Armory just down the street.

    If I recall from American Revolution 1.0 – the cannons that commanded Boston Harbor and forced out the British were captured by a rebel raid on a British Fort. :mrgreen: Ditto the rebel capture of federal government state armories like Harpers Ferry, West Virginia during the U.S. Civil War.

    Like the wise man said, “If it happened once in history, the same damn thing can happen again because PEOPLE JUST DON’T LEARN :!:” :shock:

    Especially the reactionaries who control our federal government.

    • KG says:

      There will always be weapons available from those who..ahem..’have no further use for them’. :twisted:

      • Darin says:

        Yes,best to buy weapons in the same calibers as the cops,military,plenty of ammo and replacements available. :twisted:

        • Wombat says:

          Well, I’d be content just to get my hands on a single one of those mysterious shipping containers packed with 5.56 and 40S+W. :razz:

  10. KG says:

    Nice quote:
    “The Clintons are creeps and liars and scoundrels and misfits, always have been, always will be. They are the penicillin-resistant syphilis of American politics. “

    • Ronbo says:

      I agree…So let’s make popcorn, get a six pack iced down, get in the comfortable chair and watch the HDTV as the Clinton Crime Family fights the Obama Gangbangers to the death :!:

      The Ultimate Game of Thrones :!:

      Reality TV at its best :!:

      Oh, and we shoot the winner :!: :mrgreen:

      • KG says: I haven’t owned a TV for nearly ten years, Ronbo.
        You”ll just have to be the CR reporter on the spot.

        • Darin says:

          Ron,HDTV? Have you seen Hillary lately? :shock: Time has not done her any favors :shock: My eyes! The goggles they do nothing!

          • Ronbo says:

            Darin, I couldn’t believe the Hildabeast could get anymore ugly than she was back in 1990s when the bitch was First Lady, but :shock: SHE DID :!: :shock:

            …and her laugh…a witch’s cackel :!:

            …and her sense of Leftist humor: “We came. We saw. He’s dead.” :evil:

        • Ronbo says:

          I haven’t owned a television either….since 2008 when I moved from Orlando, Florida and went West.

          I was renting then and I made a deal with the landlord to give him all my household stuff except for one suitcase of clothes as the last month’s rental. It was old junk that somehow survived the three hurricanes that hit Orlando and blew the roof off my house in 2004… :mrgreen:

          I think I got the best of the deal :!: :mrgreen:

          Anyhow, that’s when I went totally PC laptop for the next three years, as I made the traditional “Lost In America” on-the-road-trip to the mountains and the plains, while going down that long lonesome highway 66. :mrgreen:

          The times I stopped at a motel that didn’t have Wi-Fi, I confess I did take advantage of the free furnished TV to watch Fox News and the weather report; however in 2011 when I boldly decided to set “Ronbo Forward Firebase” behind the lines in the hostile Seattle Soviet and rented an unfurnished apartment, I added the desktop PC with HDTV rating and signed up on Internet movie websites like NETFLIX, where I can be the Master of my television/movie/video viewing on my timeline.

          IT’S GOOD TO BE THE KING :!: :mrgreen:

          KG: Speaking of the superior Personal Computer married to the World Wide Web maybe you should think about the next evolution:

          Best of all it’s FREE :!:

          Think of a world wide video Crusader conference :!:

          We could get down to some serious CONSPIRACY plotting in real time :!: :mrgreen:

          I don’t know if Firefox can do a video conference, but there are other services that can do this for little cash.

          What do you think :?:

          • KG says:

            Got it, Ronbo. I’ll take a look, but right now I’m pissed that Firefox added it (and an icon) to the latest update without the option to opt out, and secondly I have no idea how secure it is.
            I sure as hell have no intention of creating an account and signing in – if Firefox has ambitions to become like Google they can go fuck themselves and I’ll find another browser. :evil:

    • Darin says:

      Plus it’s Wisconsin and Republican front runner Scott Walker is the governor so you know that will prove in the lefty media that he’s Raaaciiist! :roll:

      • Ronbo says:

        ….and now add Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, our anti-white black president O’Bummer and his DOJ, and it’s a TRIFECTA against Republican nomination runner Scott Walker for Leftist Hate Machine. :twisted:

  11. Wombat says:

    Here’s a thought.

    The local Barney Fifes should start selling canned hunts for drug dealers and other associated thugs. :mrgreen:

  12. Darin says:

    Frigidaire production WWII-

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    The ‘Inclusive Ideology” capital, San Francisco decides to rebuke the Catholic Church for teaching Catholic doctrine. You can’t make this shit up!