
‘Emma Watson urges more men to fight for gender equality’
Sure, let’s have equality. I can’t wait to see women out there in crap weather climbing power poles, equally represented in industries such as logging, getting out of the car in the pissing rain to change a tyre, getting out of bed to investigate that strange noise downstairs..
We’ll have equality when the war on men stops, when fathers get equal recognition of their importance in children’s lives.
And who the hell cares what some acting bimbo has to say in any case? Does acting give these legends in their own lunchboxes some special insight?

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3 Responses to Sigh…….

  1. GW says:

    Like a good little leftie, she’s mouthing the words. The reality is that there are no more glass ceilings left and women have achieved parity in Western society. So why the hell aren’t people like Ms. Watson taking a hard look across the Med and actually complaining about the real war on women, from FGM to stoning to having to walk around with every inch of skin covered lest you invite rape from the local animal population?