Some women urgently need to get a life


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20 Responses to Some women urgently need to get a life

  1. Wombat says:

    Hmm. No mention of a paying job in the mix.

    I wonder if whe’ll be declaring those eBay earnings to centrelink? A betting man would say “no fuggin’ chance”. :roll:

  2. mistress mara says:

    Wombat, her husband works to support her and their children. I saw the doco on TV and they seem a very fine family. If this doll changing venture brings in extra moolah, so much the better. Surely. ;-)

    • KG says:

      The title of the post isn’t specific enough, Mara.
      Who the hell would buy de-glamourised dolls?

      • k2 says:

        Christians who don’t want their daughters emulating Madonna or Milly Cyrus?

        • KG says:

          Sigh….as though a doll would have that much power, if a child’s parents do their job properly.
          What else do these Christians do? Withold all contact with other children? Ban television, smart ‘phones and radios, as well as newspapers and magazines?
          The world will not go away and cannot be banned or censored. The only effective way to shape children’s behaviour is by example and intelligent parenting. And oftentimes even those fail, given the relentless pressure from commercial interests, the children’s peers and the natural curiosity of young people.

          Censored dolls ain’t going to do the job.

          • k2 says:

            You’re right, censored dolls alone aren’t going to do the job. You also need “censored” TV, movies, radio and internet while also exposing them to the good and appropriate entertainment options. So if a family does decide to go that route, having dolls available that aren’t pushing “slut chic” would be a plus.

            • KG says:

              It’s focusing on something trivial, K2.
              There are enormous pressures on anybody trying to bring up decent kids and worrying about dolls seems to me to be a waste of time and energy.
              Far better to find out what the “schools” are indoctrinating them with and giving them healthy pursuits with their parents in order to cut down on their TV time.
              But given the massive influences from other sources, I’m amazed that a lot of kids turn out as well as they do.
              ( I also said “The world will not go away and cannot be banned or censored.”)

          • Warren Tooley says:

            KG, nothing about this is Christian. The only people who think this is Christian is those who think that feminism is Christian. Their’s nothing Christian about feminism. When Adam and Eve, sinned, God dealt with Eve’s influence.

            These pastors who endorse feminism need a real bible. And yeah, I know a couple of churches who have gone down that path.

    • Wombat says:

      Well, if you say so.

      Of course, you see articles like this and usually it’s the same old story.

      If they’re working class folks then AFAIC they can do as they please.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    OT KG but…on the news right now. Some idiot has threatened Fontera they would lace baby formula with 1080 in protest of its use on pests. A couple of packets of formula with 1080 in them went along with the threatening letter.

    Agree with the use of 1080 or not this person needs to be caught fast and locked up for a long time!

  4. mistress mara says:

    KG “Who the hell would buy de-glamorised dolls?” The illiberal liberals who infest my neighbourhood. They buy their spawn wooden toys that the kids NEVER play with . Those here familiar with NZ culture know about the “buzzie bee”, a wooden contraption that clacks when pulled along on a string. They are supposedly iconic but no child with a normal IQ had, in the last 50 years, ever wanted to play with one.

  5. Wombat says:

    Whatever someone does on their own dime is their own business.

    Honestly, the dolls look better post-op anyway. Not like freaks at any rate.

  6. KG says:

    I guess I must be a cantankerous mysogynistic old bastard then. :lol:

    • Wombat says:

      The act of playing with dolls is, we can only assume, as old as the human race itself.

      Girls play with dolls as a way to imitate their mothers and therefore learn basic skills that they will need in later life (or earlier life if they’re old enough when a new sibling comes along).

      Now? Doll-play has become an act of learning how to sexualise yourself. The maternal aspect has been completely erased. Whether this woman is aware of the depth of the problem is not really covered in the article.

      It’s not an issue of “will my daughter be programmed to dress like a slut?”

      It’s an issue of “will my daughter learn the skills to become a capable mother?”

  7. mistress mara says:

    “I guess I must be a cantankerous, misogynistic old bastard then.” Schurely not. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: