Lone-wolf Swedish Presbyterians, obviously.

Several people have been shot inside a restaurant in the city of Goteborg and some of have died, Swedish police said…’

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7 Responses to Lone-wolf Swedish Presbyterians, obviously.

  1. mistress mara says:

    Nah, it’s them pesky Episcopalians again. Either that or The Sisters of the Poor. Gotta make a Law! I’m sure HRH Barry has been well briefed. Who would be the Minister of tourism in Tunisia about now?

    • john says:

      Mara, I’m blaming Lutherans. I believe Lutheranism was big in those parts onetime so it could be a remnant of , what was it The One called them? Ah yes, bitter clingers.

  2. KG says:

    If I imported a product that resulted in the deaths of dozens of people, I’d be jailed. I couldn’t argue successfully that only a few of the products caused the deaths.
    Politicians do exactly that, and they’re somehow not responsible?

  3. Dav343 says:

    In a few more years it could possibly be the Presbyterians, they’ve gone off the “Leftist” deep end recently and incorporated homosexual marriage into their belief system.