How to become gluten intolerant

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19 Responses to How to become gluten intolerant

  1. mistress mara says:

    Fantastically timely KG. Loved it! My step-daughter and her husband have just visited us on their annual trip from London. He is “gluten intolerant” and she is “lactose/dairy intolerant.” I will NOT, repeat NOT ever cook a family meal that includes them anymore. At the dinner table I had to consider diabetic, low carb, gluten free, vegan, vegetarian and fucking lactose free considerations. Also he will not eat more than about 5 different items of food. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and did my best but by the end of the evening and they all went away, I sank half a bottle of gin and the old chap had to help me, sobbing helplessly, to bed.

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: Food allergies and intolerances have become an effing lifestyle choice in very many cases, Mara. Certainly among adults.
      I just can’t be bothered.
      If somebody has a genuine problem then I’m sympathetic. As for the others…… :evil:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Fuck ’em, Mara. Burgers and fries all round, or they cook their fucking own!

  2. Wombat says:

    That’s just outstanding! :mrgreen:

    It’s inspired me to open up a restaurant called “Darwin’s Diner”. At Darwin’s Diner every dish will contain gluten, nuts, dairy and shellfish.

    Joking aside, thought. I heard it quoted that one in fifty kids now have an allergy to nuts. Allergies keep getting more common and more severe as the years tick by, yet our medical sector is supposedly at a loss to explain it.

    I wonder what could be screwing around with the immune system of our kids?

    Anyone? :o

  3. G P says:

    People who are fashionably gluten free piss me off.

    I have coeliac disease and underwent scary gastroscopy and and painful colonosocopy to get a definitive diagnosis.

    I’ve had the condition since I was 39 and having spoken with some other people with the condition I have come across two other people who had the condition manifest after contracting giardia. I could not fathom how I got giardia because I am not a camping person and take all sensible food prep precautions. Nine months after the giardia I had persistent diarrhoea and lost 10 kg in six weeks – I thought I had cancer, and the two other people who contracted giardia had the same experience.

    This has meant becoming a food label expert and also meant paying a good deal more for food item like GF bread, cereals, bread crumb substitutes, gravy etc. I am limited when going out somewhere to eat and am grateful for any GF item on a menu and always call and check with the eating establishment. There really isn’t much spontaneity like grabbing a quick burger like there is for other people but Burger Fuel can make me a GF burger for an extra charge. If I visit friends I often take my own food. If I accidentally ingest gluten I have to make sure I can find a toilet quickly or I could end up feeling like a two-year old.

    The thing that grinds my gears is that when this fad of the moment passes for these poseurs they can go back to their old ways – I can’t!

    • Darin says:

      I feel for you,I have a friend who has Celiac’s,his went undiagnosed for nearly 20 years.He was rail thin and grey haired in his 20’s,he’s doing better now,but going so long undiagnosed caused multiple other health problems.

      Celiac’s is very rare and I agree the bulk of the “gluten chic” are just phonies.

      • KG says:

        Like – for example – back pain, the phonies end up making things very, very tough for the genuine sufferers.

        • Darin says:

          Yup,and the same applies to lawsuits,disability claims on and on,the phonies who want to ride on the backs of others make it hard for anyone with genuine need.

          That is my biggest problem with all the social safety net programs.I don’t have a problem with helping someone in genuine need,everyone at some point in their lives needs a helping hand.It just so many more take advantage of others generosity and make a lifestyle out of it.