Susan Devoy is an idiot.

Dame Susan wants door open to refugees
Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy will today call for New Zealand to increase its quota of refugees.’
This is feelgood bullshit that will achieve almost nothing, cost the NZ taxpayer even more money and do absolutely nothing to address the causes for the “51 million refugees” figure she quotes.
Of course, it’ll give clowns like her a nice warm fuzzy glow – on somebody else’s buck, as usual. If she’s so concerned, perhaps she’ll let us know how many of these people she’s prepared to accommodate at her place?

UPDATE:  See the “Shia vs Sunni” post above. Does Devoy seriously believe these primitives will magically leave their sectarian hatreds behind if they come to the West? The Australian experience would indicate otherwise.

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15 Responses to Susan Devoy is an idiot.

  1. Cadwallader says:

    Unfortunately the very nature of the Position requires a mindless progressive to fill it. Ms Devoy is just another one in a seemingly endless train of automatons acting and living in government sponsored superfluity. (Machine-Gun icon about here!)
    Big Machine Gun

  2. mawm says:

    I’d rather see a referendum on the changing of the colour of our nation than the colour of our flag, and I know which way this would go, but then no politician has the guts (except for Winnie) to take a stand against this UN backed destruction of the white race.

  3. Tom says:

    The stupid bitch is now calling for maori lingo to be compulsory in schools.

  4. G P says:

    Despite all the news reports showing the lie that Islam is people still conflate racism with religion.

    How can a person be racist against Islam? It’s not a race I’ve ever heard of.

    She may not give a damn about herself as a woman or her children because they are male, but even if she had just one daughter would it not give her pause for thought as to what that female’s future might be if NZ labours under the yoke of Islam.

    • KG says:

      I think very many people buy into the pieties of the age without ever examining them in an objective way, GP. And once they’ve invested emotional energy in them it becomes too uncomfortable to ditch them.

      • Darin says:

        Commonly held beliefs are a security blanket for people who lack or simply don’t use critical thinking skills.It’s easier for them to cling to the blanket than to take the risk of letting it go.

        I call it mental hoarding,sure one needs to keep the kitchen appliances and a bed to sleep in,but not 500 hundred grocery bags of useless junk that’s underfoot.

        • Cadwallader says:

          Michael Shermer and a few others in the Skeptics Society have written extensively about this condition. It seems to hold an attraction for those who find the world a trifle too onerous. It is a bit like a refusal to grow-up.

          • KG says:

            It is a refusal to grow up, Cad.

          • G P says:

            Cadwallader, the writer James Howard Kunstler calls this condition the psychology of previous investment – very apt.

            I don’t agree with everything he has to say but he does write occasional posts on how low America has sunk in the social sphere.

  5. KG says:

    It’s the Susan Devoys who are helping to destroy the West. They may be individually perfectly nice people, but they’re emotion-driven and unable to see where their feelgood idiocy is taking us.

    • dondiego says:

      I personally believe, taking “democracy” into account, that white wimmins is the single biggest threat to white civilisation.

      I’m talking about (IMO) the greatest civilisation ever seen. The useless/hostile/over-there races could be sorted out THIS generation (even the next one or two generations, again IMO*, wont be able to do it through no will- thanks to a hugely successful propaganda effort).

      It wont happen because the rulers- elected and otherwise, but mostly the former, need the wimmins to keep them living in the style to which they’ve become accustomed.

      *That’s assuming this unprecedentedly prosperous age [can/does] continues.
      (-Basically meaning no ice-age and enough whites % to maintain electricity running water etc)

  6. G P says:

    James Howard Kuntsler’s post on the clash of civilisations

    In the background of the present disturbances are not only the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, but the imminent collapse of the machinery that boosted up the greater Islamic economy of our time: the oil engine. It was oil and oil alone that allowed the populations of the Islamic world to blossom in a forbidding desert in the late 20th century, and that orgy of wealth is coming to an end. So will the ability of that region to support the populations now occupying it.

    The violent outreach of Islamic wrath is actually a symptom of the region’s death throes, already obvious in the disintegration of one nation-state after another across North Africa and the Middle East. Saudi Arabia will only be one of the last dominoes to fall because it is so stoutly girded by desperate American support. The current theory is that Saudi Arabia can ride out $40-a-barrel oil because of its built-up cash reserves. But that seems mostly a schematic idea. Long before Saudi Arabia goes absolutely broke, it will face terrible internal political strife between the clans and the princes who happen not to be descendants of Muhammad ibn Saud — which represent only 15,000 of the roughly 29 million in the kingdom, and only about 2,000 of those actually in the power loop.