Open house

BBC Presenter: New Climate Doc Unbiased Because it Doesn’t Feature Sceptics

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32 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Kneading blubber:

    Jesse Ryder made light work of blogger Cameron Slater with a first-round knockout victory in their celebrity boxing bout

    • Wombat says:

      The bigger they are, the harder they fall. :mrgreen:

      • Cadwallader says:

        Or; in this case…the more charitable you are the harder you fall?
        I have reservations about Mr Slater’s ego but insist that his appearance in the ring was fundamentally charitable and worthy and not deserving of derision or ridicule. Do you have a sufficiently intrepid character to follow him? A week or so ago you accused me of cowardice for simply mulling on the NZ flag renewal. I take it from that you are sufficiently conversant with putting your own body on the line that you’d place yourself where Mr Slater appeared. Don’t overlook the fact that Mr Slater is an overweight 45 year old, prancing about with a 30 year old muscular former test cricketer. Do your worst!

        • KG says:

          :mrgreen: I don’t believe for a moment that Slater’s appearance was “fundamentally charitable” Cad.
          It was fundamentally about promoting Cameron Slater.

          • Cadwallader says:

            I am not convinced. If he had a boxing career ahead of him which he assuredly doesn’t (neither do I!) then self-promotion would have been to the fore. I still love this one from Cassius Clay (I dislike his other silly name) “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it!” :mrgreen:

            • KG says:

              He’s promoting the Whale Oil brand. Not that that in itself is a bad thing, but I strongly suspect the “charity” angle is about the same as the marriage angle to Slater – a convenience, to be ignored when it suits. His record of dishonesty speaks for itself.
              But that, admittedly, is an uncharitable view. I’m really not that interested in either attacking Slater or defending him. What he does is pretty much his own business. I simply dislike the man.

  2. KG says:

    Very cool!

    And…what the fuck can you say about gibbering lunatics such as these?

  3. KG says:

    One for the Farenheit 451 file:
    “Sherring said she understood the argument of free speech but if a sizeable number of people were offended by the book, she thought the library should remove it.”
    Thus demonstrating that she doesn’t understand the argument about free speech.–child-abuse-manual

  4. KG says:

    Is the F35 a turkey?
    ‘Our Gold-Plated Hangar Queen’

    • Darin says:

      Yup,it’s a bastard only a mother could love and it’s not Lockheed’s fault.The big problem is the Marine Corp and the JSF concept in general.The Marines need a good ground attack aircraft because they currently don’t have one.They should have been excluded and given their own ground attack aircraft namely an upgraded A-10 since it is hands down superior to the F-35 in that role and tons cheaper.

      The Abrams is more complicated.The Dem traitors in congress have long used the “whittle them down and cut altogether” approach to weapons systems.It’s what happened to the F-22,they kept cutting the number of units ordered and once the price per unit went sky high then they said it was too expensive and pushed to cut it which they did.
      The Abrams story is simple,while the Leopard tank is an impressive machine,give me an example of any major tanks battles it has won? Yea,there’s that problem.The Dems once again used their fall back tactic on it.First they wanted to cut the numbers,then they wanted to eliminate it all together.Gen Shinseki during the Clinton admin stated that the era of the main battle tank was over and the Abrams should be cut.They did and first thing we know here comes Afghanistan and Iraq and guess what,we needed main battle tanks again.Plus our potential adversaries are still producing main battle tanks so it’s a no brainer that we must keep pace with them.

      The A-10,Abrams Tank,F-16/F-18 and Apache attack helicopter were all designed to dovetail and work together as a force. Heavy armor and firepower on the ground,tank busters at low altitude and high altitude air cover what one General in Reagan’s day called the “Hot knife through Soviet butter”.The Dems frequent attacks on all three weapons systems is not a coincidence,it’s orchestrated treason.

      The right path would be IMO keep the A-10 Thunderbolt II’s we have,give them back to the Marines with upgrades and new ships in the future.
      Air Force and Navy get a total of 900 F-22’s with an option to buy 600 more and the Abrams gets a new Turbine and upgraded gun.The F-35 can remain in R&D until they decide what it wants to be.My suggestion would be ditch the VTOL fan,keep the internal bomb bays and make it a stealth incursion bomber.

      The Abrams tank story takes another turn because it’s a tank designed to be rebuilt almost indefinitely. The “new” ones aren’t really new,they are re-manufactured.The Abrams can be completely rebuilt over and over again and upgraded all the while.The newest off the line will have an upgraded 120mm smooth bore gun and a 1800 hp diesel engine for power.Old tanks are broken down in Anniston,Alabama and rebuilt in Lima,Ohio.Somethings do get better with age. :cool:

      Natgeo did a Ultimate factories episode on it a couple years ago,well worth the watch-

    • Wombat says:

      Give it to them, pronto. Spare no expense. I’m just dying to hear the explanations they’ll come up with when these “no whitey safe spaces” turn into drug riddled, violence infested slums.

      Besides, the more blacks that are in the safe-zones, the less that are everywhere else.

      Fred Reed has it right.

      I’d post the link to Fred’s site but that particular article keeps looping back to the index.

      p.s. For those of you unfamiliar with Fred’s work, much of it is tongue-in-cheek. Insight and ideas laced with sarcasm and wit. Best taken as a whole rather than reading the first paragraph and passing judgement. Most people here know him well. I suspect he’s distantly related to Ol’ Remus by his writing style, which I miss greatly. :sad:

      • Oswald Bastable says:

        Because Africa works so well…

      • Wombat says:

        In reference to the article itself, let it come. Let the nonsense continue until our blood boils. Let the minorities (and never forget, they are minorities) systematically ostracise and villianise all the stupid little progressive white kids that would otherwise be championing their moronic crusade.

        Consider what an eye opener this has been for those two white journalists alone. Self examination will begin where once it was never a question.

        By all means, we need the stupid elements to outpace the genuinely-dangerous elements.

        Morons, FULL SPEED AHEAD!

  5. Jamie says:

    Hey KG off topic here. A little while ago we were discussing the ANZUS treaty not being worth the paper it was written on and NZ having a million man/woman army.
    I stumbled on a blog that says just that – It’s a quality read…

    Let me know what you reckon

    • KG says:

      Cool! Thanks, Jamie. :grin:

      • Jamie says:

        That report is the stuff of nightmares. With our defence policy the way it is, with our people completely sheep like, with our government and senior defence personnel in complete dereliction of duty…

        My mind shudders at the thought

        • KG says:

          Mine too, mate. But what’s to be done? One the one hand, Kiwis can be almost over-the-top nationalistic, then on the other they appear to be deaf and blind to the threats to their country.
          The media deserves a very large share of the blame for this.
          For example,
          Redbaiter (True Blue NZ) has published a graphic of China’s Pacific expansion, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before that graphic appears anywhere in the NZ media.
          Ditto the islamist influence in NZ.
          Cowed, PC, apathetic. Not words I’d ever have expected to apply to Kiwis once upon a time.

          • Jamie says:

            Too true. It guts me the thought of what my ancestors had to go through to get and hold on to this country and to think it has been given away and turned over to the Commies.

            Question… Will they rule us with hard or soft oppression???

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              You mean you don’t recognise the soft oppression of today, which will be supplanted by hard oppression tomorrow?

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          If it comes to an actual kinetic solution, (absent a full-blown invasion by the ChiComs) IMHO there remain a sufficient number of farmers, recreational shooters and others who are handy when things get messy, to get the job done. My main concern is that the environment is providing to not be kinetic by psychological. We’re being defeated by lawfare, multi-culturalism and immigration rather than invasion and hot lead.

          • KG says:

            “We’re being defeated by lawfare, multi-culturalism and immigration rather than invasion and hot lead.”
            Yup. As Europe is. It’s well advanced there but we will surely follow unless Kiwis and Aussies wake up.

          • Jamie says:

            “To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting” Sun Tzu

            A million immigrants in the last decade. Where does their allegiance lie when push comes to shove? I would hope it is NZ but I don’t know…

            “Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbiter of the people’s fate, the man on whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril” Sun Tzu

            NZ’s current Minister of Defence Gerry Brownlee. The last 10 MOD’s have 0.0 years of combined military and operational experience

            We’re done for

            “When your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue” Sun Tzu

  6. Ronbo says:

    I knew this guy – A legend in his own mind who became all too real in a voyage up the river of darkness and evil.

    • KG says:

      I like colorful characters, but Idema appears to have been a dangerous nutter.
      Remember the campaign to free him when he was imprisoned in Afghanistan? A lot of well-meaning people made fools of themselves over that.